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F/n pov

I was sitting on the edge of a cliff. We've been hunting for this girl for weeks and there is no trace of her. Mandra had ben on my butt about it everyday. I'm about to kick his butt of the cliff.

"Hay f/n how are you?" Hiccup said sitting down beside me. "Just having trouble with finding this girl. Whoever she is I'm going to ask her how she fell off the grid so good." I said chuckling.

Hiccup laughed "you still haven't lost your humor" he said. His smiled brightly.

I looked out over the ocean. A frown crossed my face. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sighed not really wanting to talk about it. "I don't really want to talk about it." I said nervous. He nudged my shoulder. "Come on I'm your best friend!" He said side hugging me. "Now tell me. It could help." He said

I sighed giving in. "I-i guess I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I'll wake up and all this will be a dream. Toothless, reaper... You" I said looking at the sunset. "F/n this is real and we will never let you go back there again. You have my word my lady" he said grabbing my hand and kissing it. I chuckled "why thank you kind sir" I said back. I've haven't laughed with someone like this in a vary long time.

Butterfly's started to sprout in my stomach as hiccup pulled me into a real hug. "I mean it f/n. Im never letting you go again" he said pulling away and staring into my eyes. Slowly he moved closer and closer until are lips barely touched.

We both waited anxiously for the other person to move. I built up what little courage I had and kissed him. He didn't move for a second but soon melted into the kiss.

Slowly we parted and he put his head on mine. "Wow" he said chuckling. I laughed to. He then suddenly got up. "You ok?" I asked worried. "Umm I'm sorry that was a- umm" I watched him ramble. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked worried. "No no your amazing but I-this was a-it was umm I I uu" I cut him off. "mistake?" I finished for him. I was getting angry. "Yes I mean no I mean- I I just have to go I'm sorry f/n. Let's talk about this later." He said running off.

I watched as he left more like ran away. What was his deal?! I wish I knew what I did wrong?! Why are boys so difficult but so hot!!!!

I waited for a hour but I still didn't want to go back. I ended up heading back to find reaper and go on a midnight fly.

I was going into the stables when I saw hiccup and astrid kissing. My eyes widened as I saw them. "Oo I'm f/n what are you.. doing here?!" Hiccup asked scared. "Hey f/n.. guess you caught us. We tried to keep it a secret but me and hiccup is back together." She said smiling at me.

I nodded with a blank face. "Ok we'll I'm going to get reaper and go for a fly. Y'all two have a good time or whatever." I said walking to my dragon. "Wait f/n" hiccup said grabbing my arm. He looked at me pleading but I don't know why. (Because we're dense as a brick) "you need something. You probably don't want to keep you girlfriend waiting" I said girlfriend to tell him to back off.

I let go slowly and I got reaper. I took off into the dark sky. Tears streamed down my face and my heart hurt at the thought of them kissing.

Why is life so cruel?

Forgotten (Hiccup x reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now