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So this chapter is really sad and talks about depression please don't read this ⚠️ if easily triggered! dl remember I love you and everything will be ok.

⚠️I don't know how long I can take this. Every kiss, Every cuddle, Every dream about... Him just makes things so much harder to handle! I care for him so much! And it hurts to know that it's fake!

Tears spilt my eyes as I laid in my bed. I cried silently to my self. After so long you learn how to make it so... Quite. My voice, my heart.... It's all replaced. It's replaced with a silent scream but some how that scream is so loud. It rings though my ears like a mic to close to the speaker. I can barely hear the voice of reason.

I looked over to my desk. There was a small knife on it. I love heard that cutting makes you feel better but the truth is I've tried it. It doesn't work... It makes you empty but some how it is so addicting. ⚠️

I got up and throw the knife. Just as I throw it the door open. Hiccup just barley closed the door before it hit him in the face.

"Wow f/n I knew you didn't like me but there is no need to kill-" he stopped mid sentence and looked at me. I had tears running down my face. I quickly tried to wipe them up. "Wow wow what happened?" He said coming over and hugging me. "It's nothing don't worry about it" I said. "What do you mean don't worry about it? Your crying! And throw a knife at me!" He said setting menon the bed. He didn't break the hug.

"Correction throw it at the door you just came in at the wrong time." I said He gave me a serious look.  "Is it him?" He asked. I didn't know what he was talking about at first and then I remembered the lie I said. "Ya" I said quickly. He sighed "look f/n i-if you really like him. T-then go tell him. We can have a break up and this will be over" he said.

I didn't know what to say. "He doesn't like me though" I said. "Has he told you that?" Hiccup asked. "N-no but he friend zoned me for goodnesses sakes! I don't know what to do hiccup. It hurts so much but for some reason I keep running to him!" I yelled laying down.

He watched me sigh in frustration. "Well my lady if he doesn't see how beautiful and amazing you are he is blind. Your a great girl and anyone would be happy to have you" he said petting my head.

Why can't you see! The person I'm talking about is you?!

"What does he look like? He must be handsome right?" Hiccup said laying down beside me. "Well he had brown hair and green eyes. He is strong even though he doesn't look it. Also he is kind and has helped me through a lot." I said trying to say it was him without telling him. Unfortunately boys are stupid. "I don't know if I know anyone from here that has green eyes and brown hair other than me. Does he not live in berk" he asked.

"That is a secret" I said wanting to slap him. "ok we'll he seems great for you." He said sounding disappointed. "Why so gloomy all if a sudden?" I asked. "I'm not I was just thinking about... How to help you" he said sitting up. I shake my head. "So... Do you have anyone?" I asked

He shrugged "I thought I did but I think I have the same problem as you. I'm sure she is in love with someone else" he said. I felt my heart drop when he said he liked someone. "Who?" I asked. "not gonna tell if you don't tell" he said laughing.

I thought for a second. I mean how bad can it be if he knew I like him? It's time to man up f/n! Or I mean women up... You have never been a scaredy cat so don't be one now!

"How about this. We both write it on a card and later on read the name of the people we like. We can meet back here after we thought it through" I said. "Why do we need to think it through?" He asked. I shook my head "just go along with it" I said.

I wrote his name on the paper. He did to. "Ok don't open it till I leave" I said giving him my paper and he gave me his.

I left the reaper and flew into the clouds.

Staring at the paper. My hands shaked. I want to open it but I was scared. "You can do this" I said to my self. Reaper roared to. Slowly I open the paper to find one word on there.


I looked at it in surprise. "He l-likes me?" I said quietly. I turned reaper around and quickly speed off to hiccup. My heat was beating a hundred miles per minute.

I can't believe this is happening! I quickly went to the window but what I saw broke me. Hiccup was there and he was with someone. She was kissing him?

Every rose has its thorns and every relationship has a hard beginning.

Forgotten (Hiccup x reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now