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He's been following me this whole time. "Can you just leave?" I said. "Not until you come back" he said. "No" I said. "Please f/n" I didn't answer. "Stop being stubborn" he said. I rolled my eyes. "An what if I do come back? I'll still avoid mandra. Ill be alone" I said annoyed. "No you won't" he said. "Then tell me how I won't?" I asked. "You'll have me and the rest of the gang" he said. "No I wont I don't hang out with your gang and I'm more then sure astrid won't let me near you" I said.

"Well if you tried to be less harsh with them they may see how cool you are and don't worry about Astrid. Were going to get married-" he stopped. "Wait when did that happen?" I said. "Ugg A while ago, my dad set us up" he said rubbing his head. "Why didn't you tell me? That's great" I lied I hated it but I had to suck it up.

"I-i I didn't tell you because I thought maybe you- I don't know I just don't know never mind sorry I didn't tell you sooner" he said sadly. "Come on tell me the truth." I said stopping him. "I don't know I think I don't want to date her. She is a great- amazing girl but I just don't like her like that. At first it was awesome but then she went a little" he motioned a circle and crossed his eyes.

I laughed "seriously?" I asked "yep I know it's wrong but I tried to break up with her before she just won't listen and neither will my dad" he said. "Dang that sucks but you better fix that before you are stuck with her" I said feeling relived.

"Hay f/n please come back I may need protection. Plus you still haven't finished your mission for us" he said. I looked at him for a second. "Ok fine but don't expect me to stay." I said shaking my head. Me and reaper turned around. "Thanks" he said. "Why?" "Well your my best friend and I just don't want to lose you again" he said. "Well if anything well stay in more contact then before." I said. "Better then nothing my lady" he said "I hate when you call me that" I said slightly blushing. "You love me" he said leaning on toothless. "Just as much as you love me" I said.

"Well that means you love me a lot!" He said throwing his hands up. I laugh "sure"

We rode the rest of the way joking. How many times have I tried to leave now? Dang I'm and emotional ball that just keeps going back to it's problem. I guess no matter what I couldn't run away. I forget that a track is a circle. You always end up back where you started until you get off the track you where on and find a new one.

I'm trying 😁

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