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F/n pov

I woke up early. "Ok time to go" I said walking everyone up. Once everyone was up we started to pack. Astrid grabbed and hugged him.

I looked away quickly. I felt leo's hand on my arm. He smiled at me sadly. I shook my head and doused the fire. "So where is he?" Astrid asked leo. "Follow me" he said. His mood changed slightly.

We left the dragons to rest a little more.

As we walked I could see leo get stiffer. "Leo what's going on?" I asked. He looked like he was conflicted. "N-nothing were almost there." He said

We walked to the beach but nothing is there. "Leo nothing is here." I said quietly  I already knew what was happening. "You know what don't you?" He asked. I sighed "ya I guessed when you found me. I guess I just hopped this wouldn't happen." I said feeling betrayed.

"I'm sorry but they have her and I I can't live without her f/n! I need her to live. I really wanted you to figure this out and leave!" He was crying. I had a cold stare. "Don't give me that look please." He said.

Men came up to us and held a sword to my throat. "Don't worry leo. Get you girl and get out of here but I don't want to ever see you again" I said. I didn't want him to go but I knew it was for the best. With me in his life this would happen all the time. I guess it's time to finally cut ties.

A girl appears in front of him. She was beautiful.... I hugged her and kissed her. They turn to me. Guilt in both of there eyes. "we made the switch now leave before we take her back" a man said. Leo nodded and took one last look at me.

"I'm sorry" he said before leaving forever. Don't worry It wasn't your fault.  

"Ok you have me. Let these to go. There just some stupid people I picked up to get money." I said to them. They looked at each other. "Yes but dager would love if we brought Hiccup to him" the guard said.

Suddenly I hear a sound. Almost like a song. "Death song" hiccup said. Suddenly the dragon started to spit tee sap like substance at us. I fought off the guards. I felt a breath on the back of my neck.

I turn to see the dragons bright eyes. They were beautiful. It growled lowly at me. "F/n hold out your hand and let it bond with you." hiccup said quietly

I looked at him like he was crazy. "I don't know if you remember or not but dragons don't really like me" I said back.

"Just do it" Astrid said angry. I held my hand out and closed my eyes. I felt cold scales touch my hand. He (just go with it) was smooth. I looked at the dragon. He was beautiful and strong. "I've never seen this dragon be tamed before. You know if you think about it. He is kinda like you" hiccup said smiling. "You mean dangerous and lonely?" Astrid said sassy. Hiccup glared at her. "Stop Astrid that's not nice" he said.

She looked mad "you always take her side! Why do you like her?!" Astrid screamed. "If course not but you are always so so clingy! You don't give me space! Look I care for you but I need some space please Astrid" he said.

I stood there silently. "Fine you want space?! You can have space! I'm done!" She yelled storming off. I looked at the DeathSong. We stared at each other shocked. "Wait Astrid! Astrid" hiccup called but she didn't look back.

Hiccup held his head trying not to cry. I felt the DeathSongs tail push me to him. "Umm you ok?" I asked

If course he isn't ok! "I'll be fine" he said whipping his tears. I put my hand on his back like leo used to do to me. "It will be ok. You will get over it sooner or later" I said trying to be nice. It's kinda hard to since he kinda broke my heart.

"Sounds like you have experience" he said trying to laugh. "Sort of except he never knew" I said walking. We started to walk back to toothless and possibly Astrid and her dragon.

"So did you give him a name?" Hiccup asked breaking the silence. I looked at the DeathSong. "I'm thinking reaper" I said smiling. "Not bad" he said smiling.

"Hay I'm sorry for what Astrid said." He apologized. "No need she was right anyways." I said

We found toothless. Once toothless saw reaper he freaked out. "Don't worry boy" hiccup said. Toothless looked at reaper. They started to play with each other. "Boys we gotta go. If those hunters were working for dager. That means he is near." I said getting on reaper.

It was wired at first but I got it soon. Maybe I won't be as alone as before.

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