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Me and hiccup have been fake dating for two weeks now. He had no idea that every time we kiss I always want to do it more. Or when we're alone I want to cuddle. Thats the girl in me fan girling over a boy. "Hay f/n" he said interupting my thoughts. "Yes?" I said "i-i umm I just wanted to say that-" he was cut off by his dad. "Hay son!" He said hitting his back "hay dad" he said disappointed.

"What's wrong?" Stock asked. "nothing I was just going to... Ask.... F/n if she wanted to go on a date" he said scratching his head. His dad laughed. "My bad I'll leave you two love birds alone" he said leaving.

Hiccup grabbed my hand and dragged me to our dragons. He got toothless but before I was able to get reaper he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his dragon. "Nope my lady. You will need riding with me!" He said bowing. I laugh "why no one will see us" I said. He rolled his eye and put me on. I blushed when he picked me up. He got on infront. "I could have got on my self" I said feeling butterflies. "Ya ya let's go." He said.

We were flying in the air when I suddenly got up and turned around. "What?" I said noticing how close we are. "Well I wanted to ask you something. I know where only fake dating but the truth is.. I like you. Before this stared and we kissed.... It showed me I didn't want to be with Astrid." He said grabbing my hands. "Please will you actually be my girlfriend?" He said.

I smiled and kissed him. "of course hiccup" I said he smiled and snuck his hands around my waist. I tangled my hands in his hair.

He pulled away slightly. "You know I was using this fake dating to kiss you even when I knew no one would see." He said. "Really?" I asked. "Really" he said again.

"Hay f/n... F/n F/N!" I jolted out of bed. It was a dream. "What?" I asked. Mandra came up to me. "Hiccup is looking for you" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. "Thanks mandra" I said. "I told you call me dad" he said.

I know he wants to make up for what he did but I can't forgive him! Especially not call him dad. "No thanks" I said going down to hiccup.

"Hay" I said sadly. "Good morning my lady. Why so sad?" He asked. I shook my head. "nothing tired I guess." I said drinking some coffee. (Sorry if you don't like coffee) "sureee what's wrong?" He asked. I rolled my eyes "none of your business your not my dad" I said. Mandra came in. "But he is your boyfriend" he said. Stoick followed "he's right there"

I went out side to reaper. "Hay f/n tell me what's wrong? I'm your best friend" he said.

Oof friend zoned.

"Well I umm- I like someone a lot and we'll I don't think he likes me back." I said hitting my head on reaper. He looked disappointed "Oo umm well you can't tell him. At least not right now" he said. Suddenly astrid pushed me. "Sorry" she said obviously angry still.

"Astrid" hiccup said. "What's wrong relationship trouble? Watch out he will cheat as soon as hes done with you" Astrid said leaving. Hiccup picked me up. "No wonder you left her" I said dusting off my clothes. "Ya hay umm who is the guy?" Hiccup said. "Umm it doesn't matter. He won't like me back. Plus Im in a relationship well fake relationship with you for now" I said getting on reaper. "O-ok" he said calling for toothless.

"Want to fly together?" He asked. I smiled "sure" I said taking off. I looked over to see hiccup. He had a a great jaw line. His eyes were beautiful green. His hair looked so fluffy I could just run my hand through it. "What are you looking at?" He asked laughing. "Nothing just a idiot" I said. He put his hand on his chest. "I'm so hurt. I think I'm going to die!" He said with a fake tear.

I clapped "brovo!" I said. He bowed "thank you thank you." He said. We flew the rest of the day. It kept my mind off the dream.

Unfortunately dreams are like glass. They are so beautiful but so easily broken.

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