Chapter 4

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Noah's Perspective:

I'm glad when Miss Kate says Richelle and I should work together more. She's an amazing dancer, and an incredible partner. It's the best feeling in the world dancing with her. But it's very clear that she doesn't feel the same way.

I was right when I assumed she never smiles. It's almost as if her face is permanently plastered with a frown. Losing myself in my thoughts, I didn't hear when Kate called my name.

"Noah!" she called again. "Didn't you hear what I said?" My head snaps up to meet her eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said. "Could you repeat the question please?"

"I said that the reason I had you guys do a duet was because there's a small duet competition coming up. And I just asked you and Richelle if you would do it, since your duet was so impressive." she repeated.

That explained why Richelle's face expression had gotten even worse. I was excited, this would be my first competition with The Next Step, even if it was with Richelle.

I nodded at Miss Kate, expressing that I wanted to do the duet, and waited for Richelle to do the same, but she didn't. It was unsurprising, but a part of me had hoped that she would want to do it.

"Richelle? How about you?" Miss Kate questioned.

I looked over at her, but she didn't meet my eyes. "Fine." I heard her mumble.

Now I'm surprised, I though for sure she'd say no, but she didn't. So maybe there's a small part of her that doesn't hate me? I hope so.

"Great!" Kate exclaimed. "Why don't you two go to Studio A to work on it since it's not being used, and I'll come and check how the duet's going in a little bit?"


When we get to Studio A, Richelle seems to be slightly different. I wasn't really sure.

We threw some ideas out, and soon enough, we finish choreographing the dance. It really didn't take long, our ideas just seemed to gel together. We worked really well together.

As we ran through the dance once again, I noticed that her movements were becoming more fluid. I think I'm finally getting her to warm up to me.

Our ending pose is facing each other, so I took this opportunity to look at her deeply, seeing if I could see anything different with her face, and I could. The line between her lips was much more parted, not in a smile, but not in a frown either. And her eyes weren't cold, they were more...inquiring? I wasn't really sure. But they weren't mad.

I decided then that I was going to take advantage of her small bit of likeness towards me. And if I played my cards right, I might even get her to like me. Because I really liked her.

Every moment that fact became more certain. The way that she was a mystery, the way that she wasn't nice, the way that she hid herself behind some sort of wall. Everything about her was amazing, and I only wanted to know more.

So I was going to make that happen. I thought, If she already knows that I like her, there's no use in hiding it. I may as well do the complete opposite. Maybe showing her that someone cares about her instead of staying away from her is the way to go.

"So Riche," I said.

She stared at me with a look I didn't know. "I'm  sorry, what?" she questioned.

"Riche. I like the nickname, don't you?" I asked, trying to be slightly flirty, but not too much. I didn't want it to be too obvious.

"I do not." she said plainly. "Please do not call me that again."

"Why not, Riche?" I press. Maybe I was being slightly annoying at this point, but I've committed to the nickname, why not go full force?

"Just don't." she snaps. This time she's much, much harsher than before. I decided it was best not to push her anymore, so I stopped.

Then a tear suddenly appeared in her eye. I wondered what it was about, but before I had a chance to ask, she was out of the door.

"Riche!" I called as I ran after her. By the time I caught up with her, she was near the yellow cubbies by the office.

"Just stop, Noah! I'm done, I'm going home." Another tear ran down her face. What did I do to make her cry?

"But Miss Kate said that she wanted to see our duet."

"Forget it!" she yells, leaving me here dumbstruck.

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