Chapter 8

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Author's Note:
I've noticed that the timeline for this is kind of confusing. So, in the description, I originally had their age in Chapter 1 as 13, but have since changed it because I feel like it fits the story a bit better. In Chapter 1, it's either set in my imaginary Season 2 or 3, I don't really know. This chapter and most of the book (for the foreseeable future) will be set in Season 5. Just wanted to make that clear in case there was any confusion :)

*2 Years Later*

Richelle's Perspective:

These past 2 years have been amazing. Noah and I have been inseparable ever since that night, where we became friends. It's the best thing finally having a friend. We're now on A Troupe, preparing for Regionals.

We haven't talked about our relationship in a romantic sense for a long time, but I know he still isn't going to give up on it. I wish that I didn't have to.

He's gave me a ton of subtle hints during our first year of friendship that he wanted to be more than friends, but I never encouraged it. I never even gave him a positive reaction to anything he did. He hasn't given me any more hints for the past 6 months. It's been good.

I hated having to turn him down all the time. Especially because I care about him so much, and I want the exact same thing. But I can't have it. So neither can he.

Once he put flowers in my cubby (lilies, my favorite kind) along with a note saying, "I know you want this. When you're ready, I'll be around." I didn't mention them again and acted like I hadn't even gotten them. He was so sad for the rest of the day, it wasn't fun to watch.

He never did try and kiss me again, though. That, I was grateful for. I don't think I would've been able to pull away again.

"Richelle?" he asked, walking into the locker room. We were the only ones here, getting ready for the A Troupe auditions this year. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah, sure. Go for it." I said.

"I have a proposition for you." he started. I sighed, I knew this wasn't going to end well. He had the same devious-but-caring look in his eyes as the other times he gave me hints. "Now, I know that you don't want to date me. Except, I also know that you do. I'm going to be here whenever you change your mind. But, to give you a little incentive that I am still going to be here..."

Where was this going? What, what was he going to do now? "I'm going to remind you. Once every week. On Tuesday. That I like you and I want us to be together."

"Really? Are you serious right now, Noah? Isn't this super juvenile?"

"Yep. But I don't care. And since today's Tuesday..." He grabs my hand, which forces me to look up at him. "I like you."

"Noah, please don't do this every Tuesday." I plead. "What is this going to do to our friendship?"

"Nothing. We're still best friends. Except for a couple minutes every Tuesday." he said, side smiling.

"You know what? Fine. If you want to waste 5 minutes every Tuesday being rejected, be my guest." I said as I walked out of the room. I turn back when I look at my watch. "And don't forget, auditions start soon. And you better not mess up because of this, because we're both making that team together. Got it?"

"Got it." he repeated.

Noah's Perspective:

It's not like I expected her to say something along the lines of what I said, but I hoped for it. Hopefully, one day something changes.

As soon as she left the locker room, another girl came in. She had sleek blackish-brown hair and a loose, purple top. She looked really nice, and was pretty I guess.

"Hi, I'm here for the auditions." she said.

"Me too. My name's Noah."

"Nice to meet you. My name's Jacquie."

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