Chapter 13

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Author's Note:
I absolutely love Richelle and Emily's relationship, and I really wish we got to see more of it, so I added a bit of it into this chapter. This one's got no proof read, so bear with me. Enjoy reading, guys! Love you all!

Richelle's Perspective:

Emily walked into the room and told us that she had some sort of big announcement. I was really excited. "So, it's time that we start preparing for Regionals, and the first step towards that is...deciding our Dance Captain."

Dance Captain?! Now I was even more excited! I really, really wanted to be Dance Captain. Ever since I first joined the studio, it was my goal. If I got it now, I would finally achieve it. I just hoped.

"And our new Dance Captain of A Troupe will be..." Say my name, say my name, I thought. "Richelle!"

Yes! I was Dance Captain!

I squealed loudly with pure excitement. I was so out of control of my emotions that I went up and hugged Emily. And Emily wasn't really a hugger, so I was so surprised when she hugged back. But she did!

"I'm so proud of you." she whispered into my ear, so no one else could hear. But I did. And it meant the world to me.

"Thanks, Em. I'll use the wisdom of the Dance Captain Diary well." I mumbled back. Her smile tripled in size at my words. I knew both of us were over the moon with her choice.

Everyone clapped for me, and Noah shot me a smile across the room. I grinned back. Emily patted me on the back and then said, "Rehearsals are yours for the rest of the day. Do me proud, girl."

I nodded and got started, calling out the formations and giving directions. It felt so natural. So right. I was so happy doing this. This was my place.

After a while, rehearsals were over, and it was time to go home. I wasn't really excited, I hated leaving dance. It was my happy place, and now it was even more happy. I walked into Emily's room to tell her that everyone was gone.

"How'd it go?" she asked me.

"Awesome." I said, practically gushing. I was just so happy. Joy like this hadn't happened to me in a long time.

"That's good. I know that I made the right decision. You know, I still remember giving you the Dance Captain Diary. It paved the way for this. You're ready now."

Hearing her say that put a huge smile on my face and made me feel warm. Emily was the person I looked up to most, and if she thought I could do this, I wasn't going to let her down. "Thank you, so much. For everything." I said.

"Thank you." she said back. "Now go home and get some rest, you've got a big day tomorrow."

"Okay." I left her office and made my way to the locker room. I almost didn't go in because if who I saw inside of it, but eventually, I picked up the courage and walked in.

"Congratulations, Richelle." Jacquie said as soon as she noticed me.

"Thanks, Jacquie." I muttered back. I didn't want to be rude right now, I was in a good mood.

After simply saying that, she left. I was okay with it, I loved being the last one and being alone, but something in my gut told me I wasn't.

I turned around and saw Noah hovering in the doorway. "You can come in, you know. You're not hiding from me."

What happened next, I did not expect. He ran into the room and grabbed my waist, hoisting me up onto his shoulder. He started spinning around, congratulating me over and over again.

"Put me down!" I yell, pounding his back with my fists. He reluctantly obeyed, setting me back on my feet. I sighed and said, "Thanks."

"You're welcome. I'm really proud of you. I mean, this is what we've wanted since we were kids. And now you're the Dance Captain of TNS! How does it feel?"

"Amazing. It feels amazing Noah."

He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked out, hugging and laughing.

Jacquie's Perspective:

I was outside of the door the whole time. I heard everything, saw everything. I wasn't sure what their relationship was, but it made me so, so nervous.

I really liked Noah, and I thought that he liked me back. But I saw the eyes he had for her, and if she was in the running, I wouldn't stand I chance.

I wasn't going to stop trying, but if he picked her, I would let it go. I just wanted him to be happy.

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