Chapter 25

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Author's Note:
Hi all! I've mentioned this book so many times in my other one, but always forget to mention that one in this one. If you haven't read my one shot book on my profile, I'd love if you did! I'm super proud of all of my one shots there, and don't be discouraged by the first one, the recent ones are so much better. Anyways, back to the chapter!
(Based entirely on the TNS East vs. TNS West episode)

Noah's Perspective:

Today was the day of the decision. TNS East and West were going head to head, in a battle with 5 people each. It used to be 10, but there was difficulties with the dancers, so it got shortened to 5. Piper, Henry, Ozzy, Heather, and myself. We had an amazing dance, but I had been on the other team, and had been part of their dance as well. I knew firsthand how good it was. And I didn't know if we found beat them.

I was standing on the west side of the room with TNS West—ironic—and going over the dance in my head. I kept stealing glances at Richelle and I can tell she was noticing them, but she was pretending not to. I just wanted an acknowledgment.

I felt bad for nagging her about where she was so much, but I needed to know. She was being ridiculously secretive and I was so curious. Curiosity was a natural emotion for humans to feel, and it wasn't like she was making it any easier to not feel it. Every time she would brush my question off, terrible scenarios would run through my mind. But I couldn't filter them, because I didn't have any information.

I turned to the door when Miss Kate came into the room to judge, and was surprised to see James and Riley following her. Miss Kate announced that they were going to help her judge. It made sense, they were both A Troupe alumni and Riley had been the Studio Head, and they would make an objective decision.

Soon enough, it was time for our team to go. We took our positions and the music started playing. I did the routine to the best of my abilities and everyone else did the same. It was nearly flawless, almost exactly the way that West choreographed it—with our added touches, of course.

We finished, and my heart was pounding. Half with tiredness, half with nervousness. Now it was TNS East's turn to go.

Richelle's Perspective:

Noah's routine was good. But ours was definitely better. And we had a secret weapon, who was supposed to be coming any second.

He walked in nearly as soon as I thought it. Elliot. Michelle did not make the right decision cutting him from her team. He was technically strong, an incredible dancer, and had an amazing work ethic. He was willing to get everything done, no matter how hard it was, which was something that I admired.

Emily smiled at us and we huddled. Our five person group consisted of Jacquie, Lola, Amy, Elliot, and myself. "Alright guys, do your best. Amy, remember to go at the same time as everybody else in your walkover. Flexibility isn't as important as control. And Jacquie, face expression matters. That goes for all of you. Lola, hold your core in the lift. Richelle, you too, and Elliot, lift the girls with your back, okay? We don't want you breaking an arm or pulling a muscle."

"Thanks, Emily," I told her as everyone dispersed. "We won't let you down." Then I went to take my spot with the others.

Our dance wasn't flawless, there were small mistakes here and there, but nothing major. I knew that we would beat TNS West. I just had a good feeling.

James and Riley went into Kate's office, and I suddenly became worried. What if James and Riley picked the other team because they were less technical? I mean, when they won internationals, that definitely wasn't the style of their dance. They danced with feeling, we danced with technique. Would that bring it down for us?

I started shaking due to nerves and couldn't stop. What was happening to me? It almost felt like my brain disconnected from my body, and I couldn't shake the feeling. Noah came over to me and enveloped me in a hug, he obviously saw that I was struggling. I didn't deserve him. Even when I'd yelled at him and hung up on him, he was still there for me.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"You're welcome. I get that you're nervous. You have a right to be. Don't worry about it." he replied.

As soon as we pulled away, Riley, James, and Miss Kate came back. I felt Noah grab my hand and instantly stop it from shaking. I muttered another thanks to him before turning to the judges.

"And the team going to Regionals is....TNS East!" Kate shouted.

I squealed and jumped up and down, my nerves having melted away. I ran into Emily's arms, forgetting that Noah was even there until I looked back at him. I sent him a sympathetic glance, not knowing what to say. The win was bittersweet. I was happy that I was going to Regionals, but the only thing I wanted to do was go to Regionals with Noah.

Noah's Perspective:

I was just on that team. What did I do?

Author's Note:
Any more guesses on what her secret might be? I've loved hearing them!

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