Author's Note: Debunking Hints

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Welcome to the chapter where I reveal every hint I've given! Let me know if I've missed any and I'll explain them in the comments :)

1. The "Emotional Rolland Coasters" Richelle had
These were code for mood swings, which happen during pregnancy.

2. The hoodie mention
The hoodies that Richelle was wearing were actually to hide her pregnancy, not support her favorite bands.

3. Eclampsia
If you actually searched up eclampsia (I didn't misspell epilepsy), you would have figured out that eclampsia is a disease that is namely associated with pregnancy. Technically, I should've said that Richelle had pre-eclampsia—as she was still pregnant at the time and eclampsia comes after you're pregnant—but I didn't want to change it once I found out that I confused you all. This was my biggest hint.

4. Every mention of her
This was a nod to her baby girl, Anaya.

5. The entire beginning of Chapter 41 in italics
I was being extremely cryptic, but it was actually Richelle in labor. I couldn't actually say that as I didn't want to give too much away.

6. Every mention of him
Ya'll have gotten excited, haven't you? Sorry, the him isn't being revealed until the next book :) It is however, a nod to the father of her baby. Keep the guesses coming as to who it is!

7. Every mention of her losing someone in the later chapters
These were either a reference to Richelle's mother, Maya, or her daughter, Anaya. Most of them are a reference to Anaya.

Most of these hints were recurring, so I'm pretty sure that's actually it :)
How many of you caught them all?

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