Chapter 9

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Author's Note:
Also, just wanted to everyone that everything in Season 4 did happen, apart from the Nomanda thing, and I think Noah's back surgery. Now everything's going to take place in Season 5, and a lot of the events that happen in the show will happen here. Also, they're 17 now, and they were 15 at the beginning. Hope that helped a little :)

Richelle's Perspective:

Today is the day of A Troupe auditions. I'm a little nervous, but I know I'll do great.

When I walk in to Studio 1, it's amazing. I haven't seen it before, and it's so nice. Very professional, and a good mood-setter for everyone.

Then Emily walks in and announces that she'll be running the studio now. That's great, I know that she'll get us to Regionals, and this time, we won't lose.

The auditions start now. First, Emily calls up LaTroy, a little J Trouper called Ozzy, and some other hip hop dancers that I don't know. And she tells them that they have to leave, that they won't even get a chance to audition.

That's pretty mean of her. I kind of understand, but LaTroy was one of the reasons that we made it to the finals at Regionals last year. And now he doesn't even get a chance? It's not fair. I would speak out and talk to Emily, but I don't want to get in trouble.

Luckily, Amy spoke up, but when she was finished, Emily did not look happy. I'm glad I didn't do that.

LaTroy and the others walk out with defeated looks on their faces. I feel bad for them. But if this is what has to be done to make us win Regionals, so be it.

Soon enough, we get the orders for the auditions. I look at the little sheet in Noah's hand and frown. He's second, and I'm last.

It's too bad, I always like to go first to get things over with, but I guess Emily wants to save the best for last. I'm not complaining.

Unfortunately, Jacquie's also in Noah's group. I've had a bad feeling about her since yesterday. Well, about her and Noah. And I don't know what it is.

She seems to like him. I don't know why I hate it so much, but I do. I don't want her near him, I don't want her dancing with him, and I sure as heck do not want her dating him. But it's probably nothing.

When Jacquie auditions, I'm blown away. She's amazing. Super flexible, but also super strong, and she's got her own type of movement. And then I glance over at Noah and see him clearly impressed as well.

What I see next astounds me. Not only would it never usually happen in an audition, but it's absolutely ridiculous. She pulls Noah into her audition!

They do a couple twirls and and mini lift, then she leaves the floor and he does an effortless flash kick. Of course he's amazing, he's Noah. But why did he have to be amazing with her.

Noah finishes and comes up beside me, giving me a side hug. "Good job," I say emotionlessly.

"Thanks, Richelle. I'm sure you'll do great too."

Boys cab be so oblivious sometimes. I'm obviously annoyed, and he doesn't even notice. He just keeps grinning.

Now, after every audition, it's finally my turn. I scamper out into the middle of the floor. Once the music gets to my part, I throw out all of my best tricks and jumps. I do two tricks that I just learned—a ring, then a twist into middle splits, and an illusion into an elbow back walkover.

Everyone's clapping fiercely after my audition, and Emily and Daniel look flabbergasted—in a good way. Noah runs up to me and gives me another hug when everybody joins me on the floor, and I see Jacquie's face fall. Good.

Noah's name is called first. I park him on the back and give him a happy smile. Then Emily calls my name. I squeal and clap my hand together. I'm so happy right now! We're on A Troupe together again! Nothing could make this day better—except maybe if Jacquie doesn't make the team, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.

It didn't happen. Her name was called in a little bit, and she went to hug Noah, but he dodged her and hugged me again.


Noah and I walk into the locker room together, his arm around my shoulders. No, not in a coupley way, it's just warm and comfortable.

"So, you know what both of us making A Troupe means?" he asks.

I know exactly. We made a pact a year ago. "Celebratory movie night at your house!"

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