Chapter 16

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Author's Note:
I'm really terrible at doing kissing scenes, but I tried my best. Hope you guys like it! (Italics are Richelle's thoughts because I wanted to write in present tense, but didn't want to mess anything up:)
Also, sorry to @EmiliaRose28 because I said earlier that I would reveal her secret soon, but...I decided to wait a little longer, for the purpose of the storyline. Apologies.

Richelle's Perspective:

Kissing Noah was amazing. The kiss was filled with so much passion Love. I meant it when I said I loved him. More than anything. It's probably the most honest thing that I've ever said. Sharing this moment right now made it so clear that we both felt the same way.

The kiss got slightly deeper, and soon my hands were in his hair and his were on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I never wanted this to end.

We pulled away reluctantly, gasping for breath. "I love you." Noah said, and both of us smiled warmly.

"I love you too."

He pulled me in again, and there was even more fireworks in my body this time. We keep kissing for what feels like forever.

It's a while before I end it, backing my face away. "What now?" I asked.

"I don't know." Noah said.

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes, before I said the first thing that came to my mind. "Juice?"

Noah nodded and we went down to Neutral Grounds. "A raspberry juice with a hint of banana, vanilla, along with a splash of honey, one ice cube and a hint of sugar, please." He looked at me for my confirmation on the drink and I smiled. "Along with a water."

When our drinks were done, we sat down at the same side on the big table. "So what are we now?" Noah asked.

I quickly sputtered, "Noah, I—uh, we can—"

Noah cut me off and said, "Don't you dare say we can't, Richelle. We actually kissed this time. And I know you liked it. And I know you love me. So we aren't going to go back to just being friends."


"Please, Richelle. I know that you want this too. Please?"


"Richelle, will you be my girlfriend?" He paused and then whispered the last part once again. "Please?"

I stayed silent and thought for a moment. Of course I loved him. And of course I wanted to date him. But was I ready for this? For Noah to be in my life like this?

I better not regret this answer.

"Okay..." I muttered.


I walked into my house about 2 hours later, thinking over everything that happened today. Noah and I started our day as best friends, and ended it in a relationship. I definitely didn't expect it to happen, but I wasn't not mad about it.

I couldn't believe that I thought he cared about Jacquie more than me, I never should've doubted him.

I have a boyfriend now, I thought to myself. I'm so, so happy about it. But also scared.

If Noah's closer to me, he has a chance of finding out my secret, so I have to pay much more attention to keeping it a secret. I'll never, under any circumstances, let him find out. I've hidden everything from him before, but it was going to be so much harder now.

I meant what I said when I said I love fed Noah, and I hoped I wouldn't regret it.


(The next day at the studio)

Noah's Perspective:

Richelle and I walked in happily for our duet rehearsal, but we were met by Emily. That was odd. We usually had the space to ourselves.

"Hi guys," she said. "I need to make sure that the duet's ready because of what Noah said yesterday."

I hung my head in shame. I felt a lot of guilt about that. "Emily, I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that and I was overreacting about everything."

Emily asked, "Why's that?"

I was about to tell her the truth when I looked at Richelle, who was signaling me not to. So I said that I should've just talked to Richelle first, and that we'd be able to with out the issue.

"Well, it's great that you've come to that conclusion, Noah, and I knew you guys could work this out. But I'm still going to need to see the duet, just to maybe sure."

We nod and get into position, and perform the routine flawlessly. She showed off so much emotion, and we really, really connected. It was magical.

"I knew I had nothing to worry about!" Emily exclaimed, clapping her hands in awe. "You guys'll do great!"

We hugged after she left, and I apologized once again, for everything.

Richelle put a finger to my lips and said, "It's okay, Noah. Everything's finally okay."


Author's Note:
Okay for now....
*cue evil laugh*

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