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She must have sensed that I was close, that I was moments away from cumming all over her mouth and face, because just then, just before I did, she stopped.

When her head rose again to meet my gaze, my juices glistened all over her lips. I felt proud, knowing that I and nobody else had caused that. 

"I'm not gonna make this easy for you," she said, a devilish glint in her eye. She slid my legs off her shoulders, but before I had time to catch my breath again, catching me completely by surprise, I felt her slide her fingers inside me.

This time my cry was through pain.

"What's wrong? That too much for you?" she asked.

It felt like I was being split open. I nodded, grimacing in pain.  

She hadn't sounded remorseful when she'd asked, but to my relief she removed one finger. "I should have known you would be this tight." She made it sound like it was a bad thing. "The perks of fucking a lesbian."

I wanted to feel insulted, but I didn't get the chance. When she sat up on her knees and slid me closer into her, my inner thighs pressed to her sides, she commenced pounding me with her two fingers. 

Her free hand gripped the backrest, behind my shoulder. Her mouth hovered in front of mine, her lips parted slightly, her dark eyes holding my stare. At least, in the beginning our eyes were locked, but as her thrusts grew harder, more aggressive, more determined, I found I couldn't hold eye contact. I also couldn't keep quiet.                             

"Oh God, oh God," I groaned. I could taste her hot breath in my mouth as we rocked in time, her fingers plowing into me, my body being jerked and abused with every deep, powerful thrust. The leather couch squeaked and squealed as my ass rubbed against it. It was almost as loud as me.

"Don't you dare close your eyes," she warned.

It wasn't something I could control, didn't she get that?

She didn't care. As I tried to maintain eye contact, while the moans ripped from my throat, I could see the thrill written all over her face. She knew she was causing as much pain as she was pleasure, with her relentless attack on my pussy. She was probably loving every minute of this.

"You know why I'm doing this, right here, right now, Onika?" she breathed, her forehead resting  on mine, while her arm worked over time between my legs. "Because every guy in the studio wanted to do this when you walked on set. Everyone wanted a piece of that sweet Nicki Maraj pussy. This is my way of getting one up on them."

So I was merely a competition fuck? Something to score points with? I don't know whether it was this, or the fact that we hadn't broken eye contact, that sent me over the edge to the point of no return. As she felt me cumming, she plunged harder until finally I climaxed loud and hard, and wet, soaking her fingers in my excess.

She didn't move, didn't remove her fingers from my pussy, kept her forehead pressed to mine while I panted and tried to catch my breath. My body grew limp beneath her. 

Her lips looked so perfect and damp, and oh so close and inviting. 

Now I would get what she had teased me with at Harry's party. With my remaining strength, I edged my mouth forward to kiss her, but before our lips could connect, she pulled away.

"I told you, I don't kiss girls."

She pulled out of me finally, and wiped her glistening fingers on my cheek, soiling me with my own wetness, and laughing at what she'd done. It was the most degrading thing anyone had ever done to me. She rose to her feet and looked down at me like I was something at the bottom of her hoe. I had never felt so dirty and used and sore all my life. 

"Now that I've got that out of my system, I can get back to work." She picked up her jacket, slipped on her rings, took one last look at me naked and disheveled on the couch. "And clean yourself up. You look like someone who's just been fucked really hard on a trailer couch." She laughed again then left the trailer.

Sure enough, she didn't fluff her lines again that afternoon. No, but I did.


I know this was short but I wanted to hurry up and write this so I could focus on the next chapter :p 

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