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With that, she released me and left me there in the room, alone, with slightly soaked panties, just as she'd suspected.

"Let's go back to your place," I said to my date, the second I returned to our table.


My words brightened up her face. She didn't need to be asked twice. The resolve in my voice told her all she wanted to hear, told her my intentions.

I shot Beyonce a filthy look as we passed her table on the way out. She smiled knowingly, as though she knew that she had aroused me into speeding things along. I hated that she was right about everything, realizing even before I had. So that was the reason why I'd been drawn to the stunt-woman: she looked just like Beyonce Knowles.

She had a cozy little apartment in a not so nice area. I only took a brief look around and that was enough to tell me she didn't clean up much. There were some clothes strewn over the couch, and the place smelled faintly of dog.

"You didn't tell me you had a dog," I said, as I followed her into the kitchen.

She looked at me strangely. "I don't have a dog."

Well, that was awkward.

"Sorry about the mess. I didn't think anyone would be coming back up here with me. I'm not usually this much of a slob." She ran her fingers through her hair, looking a little red in the cheeks from her embarrassment.

"It's fine," I said. You're so full of shit! I'm sure you're always this messy. Her lie only amused me. Under different circumstances I would have been turned off by the mess, but I closed my eyes to it. I had one goal, and an untidy apartment wasn't going to get in the way of that.

"You want a drink?"

"No," I said, and pulled her close by her shirt. My lips were on hers before either of us knew what was happening. I let my tongue roam around her mouth, my kisses determined, unrestrained. I needed that kiss more than she would ever know.

My yearning translated well for her, because the next thing I knew she was lifting me onto the kitchen counter. I tugged at her shirt while our lips were intertwined, and in the heat of the moment, I tore it open, the buttons popping all over the kitchen floor.

"Look what you've done to my shirt, you're bad," she said, grinning. "I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson."

I was ready for that lesson.

I leaned forward, kissed and licked the top of her breasts.

She pulled off my top, and for a second she hung back, appreciating my breasts sitting so snugly in their cups. It didn't take her long to dive in, unfastening the bra strap and allowing them to spill out. She caught one in her mouth, and devoured ravenously, paying particular attention to my nipple, her saliva making it hard.

"Mmm," I moaned, throwing my head back slightly.

"They're way bigger than I  thought they'd be," she said.

I didn't know whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not, but I didn't care for it either way.

"Keep sucking," I said, shoving her head back to my chest, but to the other breast this time, because it needed some attention too. What I didn't need was talking. I got that all the time.

She let her tongue loose on both nipples in turn, jumping from one to other, over and over, leaving her wet trail all over them. Now she had me where I wanted to be. Now it was time to take it to the next level. I was so ready.

"Fuck me," I whispered, holding her gaze with a firm stare.

Yes, Ma'am."

She pushed my skirt onto my waist, and slipped her hand into my panties. She started off slowly stroking my clit, kissing my neck and chest while she did so. She probably should have continued doing that, but she got too ambitious, and moments later I felt her fingers slide into my hole. I caught her mouth in a hungry kiss, anticipating what was to come. When she started gliding her fingers in and out, I realized then that her technique wasn't honed. At least, not for me. Her rhythm was all over the place, her thrusts uncertain. It felt as though I was having a periodical check up at my OBGYN's!

The moaning I had started when she was rubbing my clit soon ceased.

I'd won awards for acting, but not even i could fake enjoying that. "Could you go back to what you were doing before?" I said, releasing her mouth.

"You don't like penetration?" she asked, looking a little dissapointed.

I do, just not when you do it, I wanted to say. But instead I lied and said, "I can't cum that way."

That seemed to satisfy her, because she returned to stimulating my clit, and in turn I went back to moaning. I never missed the opportunity to kiss her, and she was totally up for it. All throughout, I kept my eyes closed and my tongue massaging hers, I could pretend that she was someone else. It wasn't difficult to imagine. I'd been thinking about this other person for two weeks.

"Oh, Beyonce," I whimpered, getting so close to my climax.

I was dangerously close. And then . . .

"Did you just call me Beyonce? As in your co-actress?"

My eyes sprung open. Her fingers stopped dead. My clit throbbed.

"N-no, I--"


Hi, guys. How is/was your day?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.♡


The chapter? 

Your thoughts?


She fucked up big time? Your thoughts?


Her untidy apartment?

How do you  think she will react to what Nicki said?

Do you think this will get back to Beyonce?

What do you think will happen next?


Vote, Comment, Follow me<3 melaninispower

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