Twenty Three

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True to her word, there were many more mornings of waking up beside her, waking up to her kisses.

That was the start of a love affair that neither of us had seen coming. We'd gone from hate-sex, to revenge-fucking, to finally making love in matter of weeks. Just like that, everything had changed. 

My head flopped onto the steering wheel and made the horn blare. I groaned, sat up again and peered out the car window into the street. Moments later, Detective Brown hammered on the glass, stern faced.

I rolled down the window, swaying slightly in my seat, eyes drowsy.

"Have you been drinking and driving?" she demanded.

I lifted up the bottle of vodka that sat on the passenger's seat. "Don't worry, I only started when I stopped driving." I laughed drunkenly.

"This doesn't look good, Wallace. You're a cop, you can't be sitting out here drunk like this."

"I might be a cop now, but for how long?"

"They're not gonna take away your badge. You're over-reacting. The most you'll get is a slap on the wrist and a week's suspension. Everyone knows you had nothing to do with the tip off." She pulled the car door open and practically lifted me out. "Come on, you can sleep it off at my place." And when I went to reach for the bottle, she added sternly, "Without the vodka."

"And, cut. Great work, guys. We'll break there for lunch, and then we'll shoot scene three."

"You know you can let go of me now, right?" I said, giggling.

"Do I have to?" Beyonce whispered back.

The crew around us went on their way, but not before shooting us wary glances and whispering among themselves. They'd been going on like that for six weeks, since things changed between me and Beyonce. Since we'd made our sneaky links a regular thing. It wasn't hard to miss; we'd gone from being unable to stay in the same room as each other, to being in every room with each other. The only thing missing was the public displays of affection, which we'd both deemed inappropriate for work. They knew something was different, but they couldn't be sure what it was, and no one was brave enough to ask.

"Is it my turn to get lunch?" Beyonce asked. We'd returned to my trailer.

I nodded. "I'm thinking sushi today."

Or we could just skip lunch and fuck. I'm good with either of those options," Beyonce said, straight - faced.

I laughed and pulled her into a kiss, snaking my arms around her waist, then sneaking my hands into her pants, grabbing a handful of ass. "Why can't we do both?"

She purred, and it was the hottest thing ever. "Sounds like a plan."

A tapping on the trailer door made us break away. "Come in," I called. 

Noah strolled in. His gaze drifting from me to Beyonce and back, his brow furrowed. "What's going on here?" he inquired, a tone of suspicion in his voice.

"I'm getting sushi," Beyonce said, smiled mischievously, then left the trailer. 

"Sushi?" Noah stared at me, eyes agape and dramatic. "Did I just step into the Twilight Zone?"

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