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Follow me>3 melaninispower

"What?" she demanded again, her mouth hovering in front of mine, her full lips juicy and pink

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"What?" she demanded again, her mouth hovering in front of mine, her full lips juicy and pink.

My voice was tiny when I spoke again, barely able to breathe. "You, you looked like you were...going to k-kiss me."

It embarrassed me how wet I had become, even more so than before. Now she was half-naked, all sweaty and gorgeous, and we were completely alone. There have never been a better time to be taken advantage of.

Both her hands were now gripping the counter, trapping me where I stood. She brought her mouth to my ear. I felt her breath on my earlobe when she spoke. "I'm never going to kiss you, Onika. I don't kiss girls. This isn't some Katie Perry song." And just as before, she broke away from me, and I let out the breath I was holding, feeling deflated, robbed, led on. She grabbed her gloves off the counter and put them back on, looking at me the whole time. "You can show yourself out."

As I cut her a look that could kill, I knew then that this was all a game to her. She was baiting me, and I was falling for it. I was the fool, but she was the asshole.

_ _ _

I'd just driven through the studio gates and had to slam my foot on the brake. My car came to a screeching halt only inches away from a tearful Megan, who had run out into the middle of the path.

"Megan, what the hell are you doing? I almost killed you," I shouted as I got out of the car, my heartbeat racing wildly.

"I'm sorry," she said, sniffling, nose running, eyes red, cheeks wet with tears.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her. 

"I got fired!" she managed to say before another bout of bawling commenced.

"What? They can't just do that. You're a recurring character."

"They can, and they did."

"But why? I don't understand."

"They said it was for indecent behavior, at Chris's party. They wrote my character out, Nicki. This was my big break."

As soon as I heard that, I knew who was behind this. It had Ariana written all over it. Only someone as screwed up as Ariana could pull something like this. She was connected, and someone probably owed her a favor. Chris likely didn't have anything to do with it, but wouldn't have stopped it.

"That bitch! Look, honey, go home, I'll talk to some people, see if I can sort this out."

She looked at me with big, hopeful eyes. "You really think you can?"

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