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Excuse any errors.

The electric gates opened as soon as my taxi rolled up, and we cruised down the long, winding driveway of the Philadelphia mansion. Dozens of expensive, luxury cars littered the driveway. As soon as I got out and paid the driver, I noticed the white convertible among them. 

"Great," I mumbled under my breath. Considering that the people Beyonce got along with from the show could be counted on one hand, I wasn't expecting to see her tonight. But Chris was the show's producer; not only was he her boss, he was also a genuinely nice guy. Everyone's best friend. Even Beyonce loved him. 

"Where the hell have you been?" I had barely shrugged off my jacket before Noah pounced on me in the lobby. "I had to make smalltalk! Smalltalk." He grimaced.

I giggled. "You're blaming me becauses you had to be human for five minutes?" I handed my jacket and bag to the doorman.

"I should have known you would turn up fashionably late. You starlets are all the same." He looked me up and down, then nodded approvingly. "You look gorgeous, by the way."

He was referring to the blood-red lipstick and the little black dress I'd chosen for the occasion. 

"Thanks. Where's Chris?"

"In the entertainment room with some of his guests." Noah grabbed two glasses of wine from a passing waiter and shoved one at me. "You've got some catching up to do."

"God! At least let me say hello to everyone before you get me drunk." I chuckled.

Chris's 'Ladies of Justice' parties often had good turn outs, because there was always good food, alcohol, and something outrageous usually happened. He held them twice a year, at the start of the year and at the start of a new season, like now, in late July. Cast and crew alike were invited, and except for a handful of people with prior engagements, everyone normally showed up.

Some time after saying my hellos, and when Noah ditched me to flirt with the new sound woman (and pretend he wasn't a married man), I went crazy at the catering table, loading my plate with delicious delicacies like someone who had never seen food before, deliberating over every dish. My fast metabolism allowed me to get away with stuffing my face, otherwise I would have been screwed. I still planned to hit the gym the following day, though.

"So you're indecisive in every aspect of your life."

I smelt her perfume before I heard her speak, but I didn't realize she was so close until I looked up. Beyonce now stood beside me at the food table, swigging from her beer bottle. I may have been wearing the hell out of my dress, but it had taken me forever to look the part that evening. Beyonce Knowles made sexy look effortless. It was easy to see why she'd been named the sexiest woman alive. Although she was wearing her usual leather jacket, tight T-shirt and jean shorts, she didn't need a fancy dress to look beautiful. Her hair was down, and her dark eyes glimmered mischievously. She had a tomboyish yet feminine edge that only she could pull off. It had worked well for her as an action movie star.

 It had worked well for her as an action movie star

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