Twenty Four 2/2

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"Twice in two weeks. Have you any idea how much your little stunt cost the city?" Brady, our boss, screamed from behind his desk. Noah's American accent was so flawless it was easy to forget he wasn't a native. Brown and I stood in front of him. I had my head bowed, looking guiltily down at my feet.

Brown showed less remorse. "We also saved a bunch of lives. But I guess losing a couple hundred dollars trumps all of that."

"Try a couple hundred thousand dollars!" He shot up from his seat, red-faced, the veins in his forehead ready to pop. "I ought to suspend you. I'm well within my rights. Just get out of my sight. Both of you." He waved us away, turning his back to us.

"We should probably hold off telling him about the bags of money that were destroyed in the blast," Brown whispered through the corner of her mouth, as we made our way out of his office.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea," I said.

"And, cut! Nice work, guys. Good way to end for the holidays."

It was the last scene before the Christmas holidays. Everyone packed up and said their goodbyes, wished each other a merry Christmas. Two weeks had passed since Beyonce and I had split. Things were strained on set, but we'd managed to remain professional.

"I suppose you're heading back to California today, for the holidays?" Noah said. "Sometimes I wish my family didn't live on the other side of the world. I'm dreading that ten hour flight."

"Actually, I fly back tomorrow. Tonight I have a date... with a model," I said.

I never usually shared details of my dates with Noah, but this time I made an exception. Because this time Beyonce was close enough to hear. She was talking to the director. As soon as I spoke, she looked at me. I could see that I was getting to her, I could see the hurt in her eyes. And then she looked away. It was such a childish move on my part, and I'd never done anything like it before, but I was still hurting and I wanted her to.

"God, I want your life!" Noah groaned.

"Don't you already have it? The married you has probably dated more models than me!"

He let out a cheeky laugh. "That might actually be true."

Beyonce finished up her conversation, and as she passed me, barely looking at me, she mumbled, "Merry Christmas, Onika," then left the set.

So I was Onika again. She really did know how to hurt me.


Top of the morning!

A/n : Mini filler, I just wanted to drop something since I haven't updated in a month.






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