Twenty One

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She removed her jacket. "I thought I might stay a little while, if that's all right with you?"

Maybe I was being too soft, but I wasn't ready for her to leave yet. For some reason it just didn't feel right her going so soon after. Besides, the best part of making love to someone was the cuddling afterward. Despite everything that she'd put me through, I still wanted that with her.

"It's fine with me."

At first it was awkward, but she seemed to understand what I wanted, and at last we lay in each other's arms, me on top of her, my collar bone on her breasts, being poked by her nipples. I loved the feel of her naked body, the feel of her moistness on my abdomen. Although the sex with her was amazing, and still unfathomable, this was better than all of that. I'd never felt so connected to another person before. Who would have thought I would experience it with Beyonce fuckin' Knowles? Hate-sex never ended like this...

"Did you get it all out of your system?" She spoke softly, her voice carrying its usual smoky resonance.

"Pretty much. I like you being a bottom."

She laughed. "I like being a bottom... with you."

"Why did you let me do that to you?" I sat up so I could look at her. She looked more beautiful than ever post-sex, happier than I'd ever seen her. "I mean, the way I felt about you when you arrived, I wanted to kill you. And yet you trusted me with your body. I didn't even trust myself."

"I had to show you that I meant what I said, that I was truly sorry. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this. I'd be a bottom for you any day." She kissed me, slowly and passionately, then let out a contented sigh once our lips parted. 

A little smile settled on her lips.

"So I guess you do kiss girls now? If you like it so much, why did it take you this long to kiss me?"

"I knew I would never be able to keep the truth from you if we kissed. I thought that if it was just sex, I could keep up the act of straight girl experimenting. I know it was stupid. I couldn't let you know that I wanted the kiss more than the sex." She stroked my hair as I rested my chin on her chest.

"And now I never want to stop kissing you."

She kissed me again.

I couldn't believe this was us -- Nicki Maraj and Beyonce Knowles. Even Wallace and Brown would never have gotten this far. So how had we managed it?

"I've always felt so incomplete with guys," she continued.

"They would be on top of me and I wouldn't be there with them. Then it would be over and I'd be like 'what just happened? Ugh, get the fuck off me!' But when I'm with a woman I feel like I belong there. I always feel like I'm home."

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