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"Fancy seeing you here, Onika."


I looked up and saw Beyonce standing at our table. Her smile was too big and too sarcastic to be genuine. 

"Oh, hi," I mumbled.

She looked from me to my date then back again, her smile never fading. "I wouldn't have thought this place was your style."

I cut her a look. "My style? And why's that?"

"Well, I thought you would have preferred more women around you." Her eyes gleamed with devilish intent. 

"You mean like a gay bar?"

"You know how closed-minded people can be. I'm just thinking of you." Her shit-eating grin grew wider. "Hi, I'm Beyonce." She  shook hands with my date. "You look really familiar, you know that?"

"I get that all the time. I have one of those faces," my date gushed. She was falling for the whole act. How could she be so gullible?

"Don't you think she looks familiar, Onika?"

"No," I answered shortly. I wasn't going to return her smile, because I knew it was as fake as her politeness.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your date. Have fun, ladies." She gave me one final, devilish smile before returning to her table and her friends, who were all laughing by the time she got back to them.

I continued glaring at her. Why did she assume I was on date?

"She's pretty nice. She doesn't seem homophobic. She even told us to have fun," my date said after a while.

"She's being sarcastic. She doesn't even say hello to me while we're on set. This is her way of screwing with me," I said in an impatient tone. "She and her friends are probably laughing at us right now." They were laughing, and from the little looks they were shooting my table, I suspected I was right.

"Wow, so it's really true you guys don't get along? I thought it was all for publicity."

"No, it's real. Very real."

For half an hour I tried to take Beyonce's advice and "have fun", but with her only a few meters away, constantly glancing over at us, giggling among her friends, it was impossible. Not only that, but my date was boring the crap out of me.

I excused myself to use the restroom, even though I didn't really need to go. I had barely made it inside when the door burst open behind me and Beyonce stepped in. We didn't speak immediately, waiting for another woman to leave the room. 

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