Twenty Seven

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After the doctor left, having assured me that she was going to be fine, I crawled into bed beside her and put my arm around her.

"You're mad at me for this, aren't you?" she said after some time. Neither of us had spoken since he'd left.

"Yes," I replied, but embraced her tighter, pulling her body close. "But I'm so glad I got to you in time."

"I  just felt so lost. Ruined. I couldn't see another way out."

"I know, baby. But it gets better, I promise. We'll get through this together. Don't you ever do anything like this to me again."

She twisted around to face me, threading her fingers through mine. "Do you still see me as the bitch who was nasty to you for two years?" she asked.

"No. I see you as my girlfriend Beyonce, the woman I love."

She smiled slowly, even now able to show her smugness. "You said you would never love me."

I returned the smile. "Back then I didn't realize how hard I would fall for you." I kissed her on the nose. "Or how lovable you could be."

The three people waiting for Ariana when she stepped into the show-runner's office a week later all wore the same expressions - looks of contempt. She  looked from me, to Beyonce, to Harry, then gulped.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I'm going to make this very brief. Was it you who leaked that footage at the awards ceremony?" Harry said, his voice level.

She had never been a good liar. Even with everything on the line, her face was incapable of looking anything but guilty.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said.

"And why don't I believe you?" Harry asked, cocking his head to one side, regarding her with disgust. "Here's what I want you to do: I want you to pack up your things, leave your entrance pass at reception, and get the fuck out of this building. You're fired."

Her mouth dropped open. "You, you can't fire me."

"I just did," Harry said casually. "You see, these two are irreplaceable -- they are the show. Without them, we have nothing. But you, you're replaceable. A dime a dozen."

I stepped forward, all the hatred I felt for her in the glare I shot her.

"Replaceable as a writer... and as a lover," I added.

"I'm going to fight this. I swear to God, Harry, I'll take this studio for everything it has."

"Here's the thing, Ariana," I said, spitting her name. "Remember my crazy neighbor, the one who installed all those cameras outside of his house because he was convinced someone wanted to abduct his dog? His cameras picked up some pretty interesting footage of you letting yourself into my house the night it was burgled. We might not be able to prove that you leaked the tape, but I could have you arrested for breaking and entering..." 

Beyonce took my hand in hers. We stood united. Thanks to our press release, the world knew we were a couple, and we were now stronger than ever. "So, you have two options: You walk away or you go to jail."

Ariana's nostrils flared as she shot us both hateful looks, before turning on her heel and storming from the room and out of our lives.

I turned to Beyonce, grinning. "That was hot."

"Oh you like that?" She said a bunch of other stupid shit, but it was sexy as hell. Then we kissed, forgetting we weren't alone. 

"Get a room why don't you!" Harry said chuckling.

The end.


This was so short, I honestly should have just added this to the last chapter but hey, it's up. 






Vote, Comment, Follow melaninispower

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I hope you enjoyed.

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