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Act II

Nothing made sense anymore.

I didn't know who I was, and I definitely didn't know who Beyonce was. 

There was a time when I thought I had my dignity, some self-respect. But I lost all of that when I let the biggest homophobe in town screw me on my trailer couch. That was so many kinds of wrong. She hated me, she was nasty to me, before and after the act. 

How could I have been so stupid? But the worst thing of all? Even after she humiliated me, made me feel abused and then discarded me like a used tissue, for a week following the incident, I relived it every day, every night, and . . . I enjoyed the memory. On set it was business as usual, like nothing had happened. And I went back to being the coworker she could barely tolerate. 

"Hey, Brown, I think I see your guy," I said through the corner of my mouth. We were shooting in a local park. Detective Jasmine Brown was sitting right beside me on a park bench, looking cool and inconspicuous and totally not undercover. I pretended to read the paper, while risking sneaky glances over it. The camera rolled in front of us. "Over by the trash cans. You see him?"

"Yup. How do you wanna do this?"

"We could try the Two-for-One Special Job, or maybe the Damsel in Distress Job?" I suggested. 

"Or how about I walk up to him and grab the bastard, keep it simple?" 

"That's good too."

We got up at the same time, but as soon as we began making our way casually toward him, the perp, a dodgy-looking guy with a tattered briefcase, spotted us. 

"We've been made," I said. "He's gonna flee."

Brown gave her signature eye roll. "Not again."

The man hot-footed it, and Brown chased after him.

"Cut!" the director yelled.

Beyonce and the man returned to the rest of the crew.

"We'll shoot the chase scene after lunch," the director said. "Try to have a light one."

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