Twenty Two

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Short chapter!

She fell asleep spooning with me. I was the little spoon, and that position was magical. She held me tight, like she was afraid that if she let go I would disappear. Her face was buried in my black curls, her breathing steady as she slept. It was so calming, so beautiful to hear, that I couldn't sleep straightaway. I wanted to listen forever.

I didn't know how long it had taken me to drift off, and only realized I'd been sleeping when a shouting voice ripped me from my sleep.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

I jumped out of my slumber, and behind me Beyonce stirred awake. The first thing I saw when my eyes sprung open was Ariana's angry red face at the bedroom door. In her hand she held a thick stack of papers, which I assumed was the movie script. 

"Ariana, what the hell are you doing here? H-how did you get in?" I pulled the bedsheets close in order to cover my nakedness and Beyonce's. But Beyonce didn't seem to care that her breasts were on full display. She looked pissed off, not ashamed.

"I came to give you this, and then I find you in bed with that bitch! Are you serious, Nicki? You're fucking her?" Her eyes were wide and crazy as she screamed and threw the script down.

"No, we're having a tea party," Beyonce said, rolling her eyes. "And you can keep the name calling, I'm not going to be to many more bitches."

"No one's talking to you, Beyonce Knowles." Ariana spat her name. "Biggest fuck up on the show.  And a homophobic on top of that. This is what you do when the cameras stop rolling?" She looked scornfully at the camera pointed at the bed. "Or apparently not. How could you do this to me? Is this some sort of sick joke?"

I felt Beyonce's arm wrap around my back, and it comforted me more than I thought it would. Knowing that she was there made me feel safe. "I'm not doing anything to you. We're not together anymore. You need to stop doing this, Ariana."

"It does not give you the right to fuck your coworker, especially when it's her. And you're making sex tapes! With this piece of shit? Have you lost your fucking mind?"

"Little girl, you need to leave," Beyonce said, her voice threatening.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do. Go pick up a bottle, you alcoholic bitch!"

Beyonce, butt naked, leaped up and tried to charge at her. I grabbed her around the waist before she could get away. "Don't, she's not worth it."

"You touch me and I'll make sure you never work in Hollywood again. You'll be doing commercials for the rest of your life, if you're lucky," Ariana said, her voice shaky.

"She's not worth it," I repeated softly. That seemed to do the trick. Beyonce sat back down. "I want you to leave, Ariana. Right now."

"I'm leaving, and I'm taking this script with me."

She retrieved it off the floor. "You're a TV actress anyway. You're not good enough for film." Those were her final words before she left in a huff.

"I never liked that woman," Beyonce commented. 

"Always seemed a little unstable. I know, a bit rich coming from me, right?" When she turned to me, she noticed that I wasn't joining her in her laughter. I was still pretty shaken up. She looked at me with concern. "Are you okay?" She put her arms around me. "Hey, don't let her get to you."

"She made what we're doing seem dirty, immoral," I said, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Well, we did do some dirty things, things I can't wait to do with you again," she joked. That did make me laugh. "You should probably get your locks changed, though."

"I didn't know she still had a key. But, I'm sure it'll be fine. She's mostly harmless, just possessive."

"I can't say I blame her. If there was ever a reason to be possessive, you would definitely be it.." She kissed me all over my face, ending on my lips.

"Mmm, now this is what I wanted to wake up to instead of my ex screaming at me."

"There are plenty of mornings for that," she assured.

I didn't know why such a simple sentence like that made me smile, but it was the best thing I'd heard in a long time.


The end..

Sike lmfaooo, anyways.



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