Reader POV
Christa had 2 horses. One of which was Jeans horse. I saw a horse of in the distance. "You guys can go on ahead, I'll catch up with you guys later." They were confused but I sent them off.
I saw the horse coming closer and closer to my position. I looked around to see if there were any Titans nearby, none.
If I run now I will make it to the horse before anything could happen. I ran out and grabbed the reins. I hopped onto the horse and began to try and catch up with the others.
It only took me around 10 minutes to reach them again. "Where'd you get the horse?" Jean asked. "I ran across a field for it." I answered confidently. I knew I was getting weird looks but I had a horse at least.
We reached the forest not to long later. We were told to climb up the trees with our ODM gear and distract the Titans.
I think at the time it may have been a coping mechanism but I started to laugh. It was a soft giggle at first it stayed very soft for a while and then I stopped and kept quiet. I stopped after finally taking in our circumstances. We were in trees surrounded by Titans and a female Titan on it's way.
Jean was talking to Reiner and I looked over to the side and saw Ray.
Ray was one of the scouts, I wasn't sure who he was working with but he looked very confused. Why didn't they tell us anything about today's mission? What was the plan? Who was that female Titan? Why didn't Petra and Ray know about this?
They are the top of the top aren't they? I asked myself these questions in hopes to take my mind of the constant scratching on the tree trunks. It didn't, in fact it completely failed. I asked myself these questions over and over again but I kept my eyes down at the Titans. My mind was always thinking about something wether it was the Titans, Levi or our circumstances. Eventually I managed to let all the thoughts in my head leave and was left with nothing but absolute silence, peace of mind you could say. Nothing lasts forever in this world not even for a minute. I felt the tree under me start shaking. I had been spaced out so I didn't realise it but one of the many Titans was almost at my tree branch.
When I finally realised that I had to move, it was at my face. I looked at it. It had huge eyes, they were blue? I stared at it for a second it staring right back but soon enough I felt a hand grab my back. I was held bridal style, one hand under my legs and the other at my back. It was Jean. "What were you doing, are you trying to get eaten?" He asked in a harsh way. "S-sorry, I-I guess I blanked out for a bit." I stuttered. I was close to his face just like that time on the wall. I pushed my face into his chest. He let me down once we had reached one of the higher branches.

Jean Kristen
FanfictionI do not spell check most of the chapters so lots of spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and now that I'm remembering it a lot of plot holes. Sorry about that also... Y/n=your name and L/n= last name. Thanks so much for all the reads. <3 Disclaimer:...