Reader POV
Mikasa, Historia and I were out cutting wood and were just finished when Eren and Jean star ted fighting. They were pushing each other so I quickly intervened. "Guys calm down." My voice was soft I hadn't been able to talk much for the past while but I had to say something. I put my hand up to my throat and walked off.
Jean came up to me bending down to my level. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I know I'm short but.." I trailed off. "Don't push yourself." He whispered in my ear.
Levi just walked in and felt the dirt under the table. "I'm quite sure I gave you enough time," he said to us.
When everyone went out to see Erens training I stayed behind. I walked out a bit to one of the hills. I pulled out my pins out and held them to my heart. I thought that it was getting late so I went back to the cabin. "Oh you're back, training must have been cut short." I called to them. "Yeah we had a bit of a problem." Mikasa told me.
Levi went out that night to tell Erwin of our findings. Which wasn't much. Eren wasn't here when we were all talking. "Sorry but where is Eren?" I interrupted. "He was hurt at training," Armin answered. "Now instead of thinking about Eren let's talk about you," Connie smirked. "Ok now this is when I take my leave." I told them awkwardly.
"Oh come on just tell us about your love life." Sasha called. I was shuffling around a lot and going a bit red. "Ok fine just answer this question," Mikasa said.
"I'll only listen cuz it's Mikasa." I looked around. "Do you promise to answer." Mikasa asked. "Yeah, yeah I promise." Mikasa wasn't going to ask me any weird questions right?.
"So Y/n, have you ever kissed a boy?" She asked. The room went silent except for Connie and Sasha laughing silently, well kinda. "W-wha-what?" I looked over at her gone completely pink. "Have you ever kissed a boy?" Mikasa asked again. "She probably hasn't," Connie said trying to annoy me. "And why do you need to know. Maybe I have maybe I haven't." I told them.
Armin joined in "You promised to answer and Jean your awfully quiet." I spun around in a circle then curled into a ball. "FINE, I HAVE KISSED A BOY." I yelled through my hands.
"What was his name?" Historia asked. "I never agreed to that part." I said. "Just tell us, or we will ask Jean."
Jeans eyes opened wide. "Hey! I didn't agree to that at all." He yelled. They all started laughing. "JEAN AND Y/N KISSED!" Connie and Sasha sang spinning in circles.
"Now, shush everyone." Mikasa put her hand to her mouth. "Kiss again. My face exploded, "W-wait, huh n-no th-this is." I stuttered over my words. I stood up and tried to form a sentence. That failed again. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. Who was behind me again?
Over faces met and we kissed it was Jean. Of course who else would it be. "YAY!" Sasha yelled and so did Connie. We stayed there for 2 seconds then pulled away. I fell to the floor again and covered my face. I looked like I was sulking but on the inside I was screaming. I was so happy.
I didn't think that love was real and thought I would never find it but some things change I guess.
"Now, children!" Connie yelled. "AHhhH no that's way to soon," I yelled at him. I ran to my room and got into bed. My face was still pink even after an hour of hiding. I slept well that night and stayed in bed for an extra 2 hours.

Jean Kristen
FanfictionI do not spell check most of the chapters so lots of spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and now that I'm remembering it a lot of plot holes. Sorry about that also... Y/n=your name and L/n= last name. Thanks so much for all the reads. <3 Disclaimer:...