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"Oh come on, this year is going to be great." Lola smiled. Even after her brothers death she has always been happy. I don't know how she can do it but she does.

My family abandoned me when I was 8. Mum was a drunk, and dad wanted nothing to do with me, They were muggles which ment in that time they never even knew about me being a wizard. Mcgonagall actually put me with the diggorys. I was raised by them, cedrics loss was awful for me too. I did not eat for 4 days, I did not want get out of bed, I didn't do anything but lay around. I made me sick that he was gone.

I never really had a family so that had always been a struggle for me. Lola is really my only friend, she's helped me through so much I could never repay her for.

"I think this year is going to be okay, I mean it's 5th year so only 3 more years until we leave." Lola continued and frowned.

We made it to the train and I stepped in. Lola always sits with her hufflepuff friends which I completely understand, she has not seen them at all over summer so it's fair.

I got into a compartment and pulled out my book. I was used to sitting by myself so I didn't really mind it.

The train started as i scanned the pages to read. I heard distant chuckling and chattering coming closer. I ignored it and turned back to my book. I heard the door open and a group of boys from slytherin looked at me like I was mental.

I just stared, what were they doing? Cant they see I am sitting in here? "What the fuck are you staring at?!" A platinum blonde haired boy questioned.

"Oh um nothing." I muttered as I turned back to my book.

They just kept standing there. I looked back up "um do you need something?" I asked.

"We are sitting here." he muttered as him and a chubby guy walked in along with Blaise zabini which I knew him because we were in potions once together.

"Lockheart!" Blaise cheered as he saw me. I felt a little weird because I had only paired up with him a few times.

"Blaise." I smiled.

"What- you know this girl?" The blonde boy scoffed and rolled him tongue on the inside of his cheek.

"Yeah she's supper cool, don't worry Draco." Draco?

Blaise sat next to me "what are you reading." he motioned to the book in my hands.

"Oh just a muggle book." I shrugged it off. But it was actually a book i remember my mum giving me before she became a drunk. I read it so many times the spine is cracked and there is dirt on some of the pages.

"Who gave you a bloody muggle book?" Draco asked.

"My mum." I muttered as I looked down to make sure tears don't come from my eyes because of the mention of her name. The last words she said to me were 'you are such a bloody disappointment' and then she left me on the street.

"Well tell your mum she needs to do better, why would you even read-" I cut off Draco with shutting my book and standing up before tears could flow out of my eyes.

"I will see you later Blaise." I muttered as he shot me a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"N- nothing." I gave a fake smile and shut the door.  Heard Draco scoff and say "pathetic"

I ran to the loo and shut the door. I gripped the sides of the counter and breathed in and out. Trying to compose myself but the train stopped and I peaked out of the door to see students leaving so we must be here.

I quickly ran out and walked off the train. I saw Lola with her hufflepuff friends so I did not intrude.

I got a carriage and the thestrals started to walk. I heard shouts and I turned to see Blaise and Draco running after the carriage. You have to be bloody kidding me.

"Stop please." I muttered to the thestrals and they stopped.

They caught up and hopped into the carriage "sorry there were no more." Blaise muttered as he fixed his uniform.

"Hey why'd you leave? We're you scared of a few boys." Draco chucked.

"Don't assume everything." I stated as I looked down.

"Then what was it." Blaise chimed in.

The only person who knows about my parents in this school is Lola and mcgonagall. "I just needed to use the loo." I stated as I played with the toll of my skirt.

"Whatever you say." Blaise laughed looking off to the side.

We made it to the castle and I hoped off hooping to get far away from Draco as I could. I grabbed my bag and started walking.

I made it to the great hall and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. Again I really don't have a lot of friends so I kept my self at the end of the table shoving around my food as everyone chatted. I finally got tired of just sitting there so I sat up and walked out.

I walked down the marble stairs I messaged my temples from my growing headache and from the stress I already have from Draco talking about my mother which keeps putting her in my head and Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around and saw

"Draco?" I asked as he had his hands in his pockets.

"Why'd you storm off like that in the great hall?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" I crossed my arms.

"Don't." He stated. "I don't care Blaise just wanted me to see what's wrong, it's fucking stupid, obviously you are fine."

"Yeah Um perfectly fine, hey do you mind asking Blaise if I could borrow his charms book for like a day, I have to get a new one." I muttered.

"I am not a bloody owl ask him yourself." he scoffed.

"Okay piss off you bloody asshole." I rubbed my eyes turning around walking away.

"Calling me the asshole?!" He shouted as I turned back around looking him in the eyes.

"Yes! Because ever since you stepped foot into that train car you have made snarky comments about me and I am done with it! So piss off! You have no idea what other people go through!" I turned around and walked down the corridor as tears dripped down my face.

I heard his dress shoes click against the floor and he turned the corner.

I ran to the Ravenclaw dormitories and luckily no one was in here because they were all back at the great hall.

I ran to my dorm that I have had since 1st year and kicked my shoes off. I flopped down on the bed and grabbed a pillow.

I just wish I had a bloody mum.

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