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Okay first I of all I need to thank you all because last night I had 17 reads and I woke up to 1K READS AHHHH I cant w you guys I wanna marry all of you rn like let's plan the wedding thank you😫🙌🏻


Tomorrow is the ball and I still have not figured out who sent me the dress. I have just told myself to stop worrying about it and focus on my studies

I strolled out of the Ravenclaw dorms and I told myself. I cannot see Draco, Merlin I don't want to fight with him today.

I strolled into potions and saw Theo. "Oh hey" I sighed as I set my books down.

"Syd" he almost started to laugh.

"What?!" I chuckled.

"Just Um last night was amazing, I would like to personally thank you for the performance. It made my night" he chuckled.

"Oh shut it, she got what was coming to her" I focused my attention back to my book.

I heard someone come up to me and tap me on the shoulder "Lola" I smiled as I stood up and gave her a hug.

"I forgot to give you your birthday present" she laughed as she handed me a small white box.

"Well thank you" I smiled.

"Okay I will see you later, bye" she turned her heals and walked out.

I sat back down and opened the little white box. It had a gold locket that had a picture of me and her in it. "Hey can you put this on me?" I asked Theo.

"Sure give it here" he held out his hand and I put it In his palm. I stood up and turned my back to him, lifting up my hair.

It clicked and I turned away "thanks" I smiled and sat back down.

"Hey syd" someone said from the doorway.

"Blaise" I stated as I saw Draco next to him of course.

"So.. about last night" he laughed.

"Yeah I was not sober and I told pansy to fuck off bla bla bla" i rolled my eyes because i did not want that brought up again today.

"No I was just going to say it was the best thing I have ever seen" he laughed.

"Hey syd" Draco said.

The fuck? "Why are you calling me syd?" I laughed as we made eye contact and his grey blue eyes met mine.

"That's your nickname isn't it?" He laughed opening his books.

"Okay this is really fucking weird is he under a spell?" I laughed as I turned to Blaise.

"No, I guess he's just being.. nice" Blaise muttered.

"Uh okay" I turned back to my book.

Snape came in and we started to work on our potion. It is a group project so that's fun.

"Okay.. make sure you turn in the essay next week" snape muttered as he dismissed us.

"I have so many essays" I groaned as I packed up my books.

"Me too! It's like they want to make us stressed" Blaise laughed "see you later syd" he smiled and I returned one.

I started to walk out when I felt a hand on my hip pulling me to an empty corridor. "The fuck?!" I shouted at Draco who turned me around.

"Hey I wanted to say I am sorry for everything I have said" he stated as he itched his neck.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I laughed.

"I don't know, I-" I cut him off "no it's fine, it's better then your constant arguments you start" I started to walk away when he grabbed me by the arm.

"I really am.. sorry" he muttered. I nodded and turned around.

What the fuck just happened? Why is he apologizing? He's supposed to be mean and not cute. Shit. No stop syd you don't find your bully hot. That's not possible.

I ran to the library as I sat in the far back as It started to rain. The rain pounced against the castle which gave me a sense of comfort. I have always loved rain especially at Hogwarts. It's so nice and calm.

I finally got my charms essay done and I was halfway through my potions essay when I heard someone walk up to my table.

"Hey" I was greeted and I looked up.

"Draco?" I asked.

"Mind If I sit here?" He asked as he already sat down.

"Um yeah" I laughed as he took out his books.

"So have you finished the potions work" he asked as he flipped through pages in his book.

"Mhm" I said not even looking up to meet my eyes with his.

We sat in silence for a few minutes "so do you want to work on it together" he asked.

"Uh sure" I muttered but this was getting weird. "Draco why are you being so nice to me?"

"Uh I mean I just felt like it.. if you want me to go back to being a dick-" he muttered as I cut him off "oh no it's fine at least you are self aware you were one" I smiled.

He started to laugh but I remembered we were in a library "Draco be quiet" I laughed but had to cover my mouth.

"Can I show you something?" He asked.

"I thought we were studying" I grinned.

"Let me just show you this one thing" he stated.

"Fine" I laughed as I packed up my books. He led me out of the library and out to the courtyard.

"Put your books over your head" he shouted over the pouring rain.

I put them on top of my head as we ran across the courtyard and he led me to the astronomy tower. We couldn't stop laughing until we got there.

"Why are we at the astronomy tower?" I asked as we took the thousands of steps that lead to the top.

"Because I like to come here, you know I like to think.." he stated as we made it to the top.

"Really? What does Draco Malfoy think about" I giggled.

He led me to the edge as we dangled our feet off of it. My hair was soaking wet and I tried to fix it.

"I don't know I like to think about life, and how it could have been different." He sighed.

"Really? Tell me more." I stated as I layed back and he did too as we watched the rain pounce on the roof with our hands behind our head.

We talked for hours about anything and everything. It was nice. Draco actually listened instead of talking even more. He just sat there and listened which I did for him too.

Maybe Draco Malfoy isn't that bad.

How are we all doing today?!☺️

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