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Hey babes how are we doing to day😌


It was now getting a lot closer to winter break which I was very happy for. Every class has been getting dreadful even though I like studies it gets very stressful.

Me and Draco have been more, open, with our relationship you could say. Blaise knows and Theo, pansy did not take it well, at all. She almost tackled me to the ground but I pushed her back thankfully. That girl can be really fucking scary when she wants something.

Draco mentioned me to his parents, well just saying that he has a girlfriend not my name thank Merlin. See Draco does not really care I don't have any wizard genes now that he likes me but I don't know about his parents.

I saw Draco in the halls and I was about to go up to him when he just walked past me quickly. What the fuck? "Draco?" I asked.

He turned around and our eyes met "don't talk to me" he muttered as he turned his heals pulling his bag more up on his shoulder and walking away. The fuck?

If he wants to ignore me and be a fucking asshole then two can play at that game.

I saw Blaise and Theo in front of me and I caught up to them. "Do you guys know what the fuck is up with Draco?" I asked.

"Uh pretty sure his father is being a dick again I don't know" Theo laughed.

"Yeah I think his father wants all of us to come to the manor for Christmas and he's not down with that" Blaise laughed.

"Why? His parents can't be that bad." I shrugged.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that" Theo laughed as we turned the corner. "Well mummsy isn't bad it's just Lucius" I shivered at the thought of meeting Lucius Malfoy.

"Hey there's a party in the slytherin common room tonight wanna come?" Blaise suggested as he turned to face me.

"Sure" I smiled.

"Yeah well we have class with Malfoy so pray for us please" Theo scoffed.

"Oh yeah and maybe tell him to pull what ever he has up his ass out and fucking talk to me" I muttered. "See you guys later"

"See you later syd" Theo laughed as he turned to me walking backwards and made a weird face which made Blaise punch him and turn him back around. I laughed and walked off.

I walked into transfiguration and saw Lola . "Hey" I smiled.

"Hey, how's your day" she asked.

"Well Draco's ignoring me, I might me Going to the manor for Christmas with Blaise and Theo and I am going to a slytherin party tonight" I said as I opened my books.

"Holy shit are you going to meet the Malfoys?!" She laughed as she turned to face me.

"Yes- I mean I don't think Draco wants me to for some reason so we have to see where that goes" I shrugged.

"Okay well have fun with that" she laughed as professor McGonagall started the class.

"Want to come with me to the party tonight?" I whispered to her.

"I can't sorry" she smiled.

"Girls? Do I need to separate you two?" McGonagall said as the whole class turned to us.

"Oh no professor sorry" I muttered as I turned back to my book.

"Sorry It won't happen again" Lola muttered trying to hold back a laugh.

McGonagall started back with the lesson me and Lola broke into soft laughter.

Once class ended I parted ways with Lola and headed back to my dorm to do some studying.

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