thirty four

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⚠️tw: ptsd

Bro this book is gonna be long af LMFAOOO


As Sydney stayed at the Malfoy manor she formed a close bond with narcissa Malfoy herself. All the other times where Draco would be drinking or not hanging out with Sydney, the two where planting in the garden or talking in the study. Sydney even thought about narcissa like a mother figure like the one she never had. So that brought her comfort that narcissa was so kind to her.

One rainy morning around 11 narcissa woke up to Lucius screaming in the other room. She thought nothing of it- since her husband has business and well the dark lord. That's why she hated Draco coming home so much and also bringing sydney with him. She knew Draco would never turn into a.. well death eater but she hated having her son in the house while this was going on.

Narcissa quickly threw on her robe walking out of her room as she saw Lucius talking with fenrir greyback. "Darling what's the matter I heard screaming?" She asked hesitantly walking over to the men.

"The dark lord is coming" her husband stated which caused narcissas heart to beat out of her chest, and her breath quicken. She hated the dark lord coming to her home- it made her feel unsafe.

"Well- I need to get the children out of here, it's only a few more days until they go back to Hogwarts" narcissa rushed her words like she thought they where going to leave her. Like they where going to escape her mouth faster than she could think.

"There's no use, he's coming now, you need to hide Draco and sydney. They cannot hear what's going to be said" Lucius stated as he looked furious. He worshiped the dark lord but he knew the things that where going to be discussed.

"But Lucius Why is he coming? I thought the lestrange residence was the main meeting place" she said baffled.

"Well plans changed. Now go get the kids and hide them" he stated as narcissa still stood in shock from the situation.

"Now!" He shouted again which made narcissa jump out of her skin- afraid.

She quickly ran up the stairs as he cold feet hit the dark oak wood floor. She paced to Draco's room as she opened the door there layed Sydney and Draco cuddled up together. They looked so peaceful she thought.

"Darlings" she whispered as she creaked closer to the king size bed that they slept on. "Draco, Sydney loves" she stated louder which made Draco bolt up.

"What- what's up mum?" He asked trying to be quiet for Sydney but there was no use she was already awake.

"Draco take you and Sydney to the secret room down the hall can you do that please?" She asked as Draco started to become worried. The last time he had to hide in the secret room was when he was 10, the dark lord wanted to mark Draco but narcissa wouldn't let him.

"Why?" Sydney spoke up.

"Draco you know- tell her, now you need to get to the room immediately." She said sternly as she lifted the covers helping them out of bed.

"Sydney wait outside the door let me grab something" Draco said as he held his mum making sure that Sydney was out of the room so he could talk to his mum personally. "Are we okay?" He asked quietly.

"He's coming, a meeting is being held here and you need to tell her.. all of it." Narcissa stated as she held onto her son. Not wanting to let go.

"Okay um will you be okay?" He asked as he started to get even more worried. He hated the dark lord coming to his house- just like his mum thought he didn't feel safe.

"Yes I am okay, now take Sydney and go please" he said as the woman kissed her sons cheek and sending him off through the door as she followed.

Draco quickly gripped onto Sydney before she could let out a word. He shuffled her across the old carpets that where placed on top of the dark oak wood floors. As he made it to the end of the hallway he pushed open an old painting that looked to Sydney a painting of Draco's ancestors. As he pushed it open it revealed a room with a bed- no windows. Just a light hanging from the ceiling.

Draco led Sydney across the room to the bed. She sat down worried for her safety. She had a bad feeling about this.

As they sat down the girl was eager to ask questions upon questions but all that came out was "what's going on?" She spoke softly as he voice broke. Draco's heart busted into a million little fragments from her words. He hated the thought of his girlfriend feeling unsafe.

"Syd, there's bad people coming here right now and we needed to hide." He stated not wanting to give a lot of information but he knew Sydney was going to ask.

"Why did your mum say tell me all of it? What does that mean?" She asked looking in his grey blue eyes, usually when she looked into her lovers eyes they where clear with happiness but now they where clouded- grey abyss.

"Syd I am going to tell you a lot of things at a time so just don't get scared" his voice was shaky. He had never told anyone this before- it was his secret and he hated the thought of commitment and telling someone these things. But it had to be done.

"Draco it's okay tell me" the girl said as she cupped his cheeks leaving him breathless and gave a small smile.

So that's when he told her- everything. From when he was a child how he would wake up to screams and shouting from the dark lord downstairs that was yelling at all the other death eaters- including his mum- how he would burry his face into his wet pillow from all the tears to not hear his dreadful voice. He told her up until every summer when he comes home he felt unsafe, like at anytime the dark lord would come and drag him down the stairs and give him the mark. He still gets nightmares sometimes from the screaming or Almost getting the dark mark.

Sydney could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke. She hated this for him even though she knew Draco was always hiding something but she could never put her finger on it but now, now she can see it clearly. Draco is scared. He never shows it or wants to acknowledge it but he is- he's terrified.

"Draco I am so sorry, you don't deserve that" she stated as she pulled him into a hug as his body shook. Tears ran down her back as her heart ached. Not only hers, Draco's.

"I am serious Draco you don't deserve that, at all." She muttered into his neck as he nodded his head. All of the sudden they could hear muffled voices and a few shouts. Draco bolted up as he got flashbacks from whenever that used to happen. She took his face and pulled him towards her as their eyes met. She placed a comforting soft kiss on his cheek as she rubbed the back of his head.

He layed his head back down as the rocked back and fourth comforting each other as the dark lord was just below them.

Hi bbys🤍

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