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"Cassie and pansy, to what to do owe this pleasure, I haven't seen you two in what year? Has It been?" I walked closer remaining calm. They can't know I am scared.

"Oh piss off with your little attitude." Pansy scoffed as she held a knife in her hand and Cassie held a bat. "You know what you did."

"No I don't." I smiled as I walked closer to them.

"Fucking hell can we just kill them." Cassie groaned throwing the bat around.

"Well why are you here?" I laughed as I walked through the room. I looked over to see Draco still standing at the door frozen in his feet. He doesn't understand why I am so calm.

Draco needs to be calm or he's going to ruin this whole thing for us.

"Because you know how I had to do that task hm? Yeah well that turned me into a death eater and guess who else too?" Pansy gritted as she looked over at Cassie.

They both pulled up their sleeves reviling the snakes that slithered around on their arms.

"Now you ruined my life a second time Sydney and I am going to kill. Every. Last. One. Of you." Pansy walked closer putting her hand on my chin lifting it up as I met her eyes.

"Pansy, I am not in charge of this whole thing, because quite frankly I am not even involved!" I laughed snapping her hand off my chin "now you are Pansy and Cassie, see it's not my fault he wanted you two. I guess you both where just so easy-" I was cut off my Pansy grabbing my throat as I struggled to breathe.

"Pansy get your fucking hands off her." Draco announced from behind us walking closer as Cassie made her way up to me and Pansy.

What do I do? Quickly think of something or someone's going to die.

Maybe- nope.

Oh- no.


She glided the knife across my skin as she smirked. She quickly let go slamming me to the floor as she walked away laughing "Pansy you are just a fucking school girl, not a mafia leader." I scoffed standing back up trying to regain my balance.

She quickly went behind Theo as she put the knife to his throat "stop. Kill me." I stated walking up to them as Theo shook his head.

"Are you fucking Insane!" Draco shouted as he came forward more.

"Don't move anymore Malfoy or we will kill them both!" Cassie shouted at Draco.

"Just kill me." I blabbered. I need a fucking distraction. Something, please think syd.

"Fucking hell you are so odd Sydney!" Cassie laughed.

"He doesn't deserve it. I do. I ruined your life right? Kill me, I know you want to." I begged.

"Just get her on her knees." Pansy stated as Cassie pushed me to my knees as I faced Theo looking in his eyes.

Think! Now!


"Before you kill me pansy, mind if we have a chat in the study. Just us." I gulped as her brow raised. She's buying it.

"Fine. Cassie watch them." Pansy let go of Theo as his head hung low. I quickly stood up as I led pansy to the study. Draco always kept a stash somewhere in here.

I saw it as I looked at pansy "one last smoke?" I offered as she tilted her head agreeing as sitting on the couch. I quickly got up going to the desk Lucius has, he has to have some potion in here.

Ah there it is.

"Here's just a little kick for you." I smiled pouring the tiniest bit of bloodroot poison in the herb as I rolled it up. I handed it to her as she smoked.

I waited.

And waited.

Finally. "I am getting- dizzy." She mumbled as her head flew back landing on the back of the couch as the blunt still in her hand. I checked her pulse as she was still breathing, just knocked her out.

I opened the door just a crack as I saw Cassie standing up walking around. I pulled out my wand as I quickly opened the door running out of the room "stupfy!" I shouted as I aimed my wand at her as it hit her chest sending her flying back into the stairs.

"Shit okay um pansy is passed out in there, I used bloodroot, Cassie could wake up any minute." I rushed my words as i untied Theo.

"And we don't have much time-" Theo cut me off by putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Syd are you okay." He said softly as he pulled me in for a hug. His warm body connecting with mine. I nodded as he pulled away.

I made my way to Lola as I quickly untied Her pulling her in for a hug. I went to Draco "are you okay?" I asked as he looked shocked.

"You are asking me if I am okay?" He scoffed as he pulled me in for a hug "are you okay syd." He breathed.

"I'm- I'm okay um we just have to obliviate their memories and-" I was interrupted by the door opening revealing blaise. "Blaise, thank Merlin." I said as I took a deep breath.

"Blaise!" Lol cheered as she ran up to him. They engulfed each other in a hug as my heart warmed.

"Lola I missed you.." blaise muttered as she smiled.

"What happened?" I asked him as they pulled away.

"Harry won." He breathed as we all cheered "Voldemort's dead."

I hugged Draco as i couldn't keep the smile off my face.

We won.

Dw there is still like 4 or 5 more chapters lolll this is not the end

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