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TW! ⚠️


I sat on theos bed with the sheet wrapped around me as he put on some pants and smoked. "Just so we are clear this is no more than a friend helping a friend" Theo stated as he exhaled the smoke.

"Yes one hundred percent" I smiled. I didn't like Theo in that way, yes he was hot does not mean I liked him like that.

I heard the bathroom door open "hey sorry nott but do you have-" Draco was cut off by looking up and seeing me naked in theos bed. Rage went through his body. "Did you fuck him?!" He shouted walking closer to me.

"Yes" I replied.

"Sydney when will you get it through your fucking head that I love you! I love you! And that fucking dare at be nice to you helped me see that I love you! Fucking get that through your head cause I am done trying!" He shouted in my face.

"Well maybe if you would have just told me then we wouldn't be in the situation!" I shouted back.

"Okay yeah you're right! I fucked up i get it! But syd i fucking love you! A- and I can't fucking think straight when you are the only thing that's on my mind! And when you recognize that I am all you can think about to!? Don't fucking crawl back to me!" He spat which made me want to cry at the sight of his heat I could feel burning through my skin. I hated him but I could never stop loving him. But don't give in. No. You can't.

"Okay well once I figure it out I will let you know Malfoy." I spat pushing him through the bathroom door and shutting it on his face. "Fucking hell!" I shouted.

This boy has always been the least of my worries, hell at the beginning of the year I didn't even know him. But now it's like no matter how much I want to hate him or stay away from him,

I can't.

The way my heart skipped a beat when he walked into a room or when my breath hitched at his touch. The way he would touch me. I hated how he treated me though, the way he has put me through so much pain just in these few months- but I loved him. I couldn't stop that but I had to.

"Hey it's okay." Theo comforted me as he put one of his shirts over my head as I cried. It just made me so frustrated.

"No it's not Theo, I could have simply avoided all of this by not making fucking eye contact with him on that bloody train" I cried.

"I hate Draco Malfoy, I hate him" I stated.


Her words that I heard through the door hit me like a train. Like she wasn't the sun anymore, she was a dark cloud- I caused her to be that dark cloud. It's all my fault. I screw everything up over and over again until I have no one else to hold me. All I want to do is have someone- that someone was her.

I pressed my ear against the door as I heard nott comfort her. It made my blood boil at the thought of him holding her right now or- what they where doing just 15 minutes ago.

Why can't she understand that that stupid dare was before all of it, before I fell in love with her. Before she walked into my darkness and turned it into light. Her smile was the tunnel out, her touch was the door and when I saw her she was the light.

How could I ever feel this way about someone else? I don't even know what drove me to her- but she drove me insane like I would do anything for Sydney.


Theo held me for a while before I heard the door creek open and it was Blaise. "Hey- what happened?" He asked.

"Draco and her got into another disagreement." Theo stated as he rubbed my arm.

"I need alcohol" I muttered whipping my nose and standing up. "Where's your alcohol" I stated getting even more angry.

"Syd we are not giving you alcohol-"

"-No! Blaise give me fucking alcohol now!" I shouted as tears spilled out of my eyes. All I could feel was nothing, I hated him but I could not stop thinking about him and I needed that to go away.

"Fine" he huffed walking over to a cabinet and unlocking it. He walked over with a bottle I didn't even know what it was I just downed it.

"Hey syd slow down-" Theo stated standing up and grabbing the bottle out of my hands helping me stop for a minute but it was no use.

I grabbed it back and kept chugging the bottle right in front of the two slytherin boys. They where shocked at the sight of me falling apart.

I wanted nothing more than to be in Draco's arms.

Holding him.

Loving him.

Like I do.

Like I will always do.

No matter what.


All Sydney wanted to do was make the pain go away. The pain Draco Malfoy had caused. She hated the feeling of wanting him- needing him. Theodore nott hated seeing her like this, just like he felt the night she had found out it was a dare. He hated to see her so beaten down my the blonde headed slytherin.

He wanted nothing more then to comfort her, not in a relationship type of way but in a friendship way. He loves Sydney he does so that's why he hated seeing her substitute her problems with alcohol. But yet Theodore could not stop her because he had felt the same pain before- knowing how you just want to pain to go away. His father hated Theodore- called him a disappointment everyday of his life and how he hated him- theo could not do anything, he was 15 for Merlins sakes so he just drank and drank over and over steeling from alcohol stores. Finding any substance to cheer him up- not feel the pain.

Blaise on the other hand had no experience to want Sydney lockheart was feeling. He had never went through really traumatic pain in his life other than his dad walking out on him and his mum Leaving them to fend for themselves. He knew she was going through pain but he still wanted to smash the bottle on the ground so she couldn't. She couldn't run away from her problems and Blaise- including Sydney knew that.

"Syd it's okay, everything's going to be okay-" Blaise leaned down to the girl falling apart right in front of him.

"No! Because you don't understand! I- it's all just one fucking game! It was all a fucking game! He didn't want to be friends with me! All he cared about was a stupid fucking dare!" Sydney noticed how angry she was getting so she quieted down "you don't know Blaise." Sydney said leaning down into the bed slumping with the bottle of alcohol Blaise has handed to her.

Sydney just wanted it all gone, all the pain in her life- not just Draco. Her mother and father walking out on her leaving her vulnerable and not feeling wanted. She hated that feeling. The only other person that knew this feeling too well is Draco Malfoy,

But what Sydney didn't know is that in the other room Draco Malfoy was doing the same thing she was doing. Drowning in alcohol.

Thoughts my loves? Also sorry this was short I just wanted the chapter dedicated to this subject.☺️

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