thirty nine

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Right after syd went in the shower me and Blaise headed down to the great hall for a snack. I passed pansy in the common room as she gave me a scolding look "fuck do you need Parkinson" I spat as she got up.

"Is sydney with you guys? Me and her have gotten closer and I wanted to chat with her for a second" she smiled as that smug look got whipped off her face.

"Yeah she's in my- no she isn't um she's down in the great hall" I said awkwardly as she held her chin high, I knew She knew I was lying so I didn't want pansy to know where she was. Did Sydney and pansy start talking? She never told me?

"Okay thanks Theodore" she fluttered her eyes before I moved out of the room with Blaise.

"That was fucking weird" Blaise scoffed.

"For sure" I laughed as we walked in and took a seat grabbing an apple as Blaise got some pudding.

We headed back and opened the dorm as I saw the bathroom door open "syd you done?" I asked as there was no noise coming from the bathroom. She would have answered by now? "Syd" I laughed "quit playing with me" I looked in the bathroom, behind the shower curtain. She's no where? The fuck?

"Blaise is syd in the commons?" I asked him as he walked out and looked in the common room. He came back shaking his head. I ran into Draco's room as he was on his bed reading a book "is syd with you?" I asked.

"No, why?" He laughed.

"I can't find her, she was taking a shower in the bathroom and me and Blaise went down to get some food but she's not here" I breathed.

"You lost my fucking girlfriend" he scoffed "I am sure she's here somewhere, calm down" he stood up and we walked to the bathroom "she was in here? Correct?"

"Mhm" I nodded my head as he looked in the shower

"well she obviously used the shower, she probably went down to her dorm. Give her some time and if she doesn't come back then we will go check her dorm? Okay?" He stated calmly.

"Okay" I sighed. She did probably go to her dorm, why am I worried?


I fluttered my eyes open as I heard laughing "oh and she finally wakes, Goodmorning princess" I heard a familiar voice. My head was pounding with what ever hit me.

"The fuck?" I asked as I tried to get up but I was tied to a chair "pansy?! Get me out of here!"

"No no, see you ruined my life, you are the one to do the task. Not me. And you are going to pay." She smirked as her cold bare hand hit my face.

She hit again and again until my head hung low as I couldn't do anything. My hands where tied, my feet where tied. I couldn't move, which made me even more terrified.

"Why didn't you do it?" She asked as a blade flipped out of her hand which caused me not jump. She walked closer waiting me to answer, to be her little puppy and tell her everything if she threatens me.

"Cause I didn't want to ruin my life unlike someone in this room" I smirked as she took the blade and ran it across my cheek causing me to look down and see the blood trickle down my cheek and onto the floor.

"Sydney lockheart, the girl who stole everything from me. You stole Draco, you ruined my life with putting me to do this stupid task! " she spat at me.

"Pansy it's not like I wanted anyone to do it" I laughed.

She hit me again "so you chose me?!"

"No I didn't choose you the dark lord did, not my choice you bitch" I spit as she started walking around the room.

"I need answers." She stated.

"What pansy! What do you want! Cause I am sure you could have just sat me down and we could have talked ab-"

"-No we couldn't! You fucking slut!" She shouted.

"Oh so first it's why I did this to you and now you are calling me a slut?" I laughed.

"Yes because you are one! You fucking ruined my life you worthless girl!" She shouted as she continued to hit me, step on my feet- feeling like the bones where breaking. She pulled my head back as she stood behind me. "I hope you fucking rot in hell." She spit as she pushed the chair causing me to fall forward on my face.

The hard concrete hit the side of my face as he laugh went through the air. She untied me and picked me up throwing me out of the room. I landed on hard wood floor as I looked up and noticed I was in the corridors, I must've been in the room of requirement.

I limped down the hallways trying to pick myself up. I quickly walked to the slytherin common room knowing Theo and Blaise would help. I fell on the floor in front of their dorm "Theo!" I shouted from the outside hoping that he was in there.

The door opened as I looked up to see Blaise. "Fuck lockheart" he muttered picking me up and bringing me inside. He set me on the bed as he went into Draco's room and both of the other boys came rushing in.

"Syd! What the- what happened!?" Draco blurted as he rushed over to me.

"Pansy" I groaned as they moved me which caused me to yell in pain.

I saw Theo pace around the room not saying a thing. "Fuck" he muttered under his breath. "Th- this is all my fault" he stated still pacing around the room.

"What did you say nott" Draco stated turning to him.

"Draco not-"

"Did you just say this was your fault!" Draco shouted.

"Pansy asked me where you where! So she could talk to you! And I told her- and it's my fault" he stuttered.

"Here" Blaise whispered before getting a wet towel and putting it on my cuts and bruises as the boys fought. "It's okay syd-" I winced in pain which made him stop his sentence "sorry, I am so sorry" he muttered.

Draco grabbed his wand before muttering spells at my bruises making them go away as Blaise kept dabbing the cuts with the warm cloth.

"Why did pansy do this?" Theo asked as they all started to crowd around me.

"Because-" I looked at Draco "because I was supposed to do the task but the dark lord said no and made pansy do it- she was calling me a slut and saying for a me to rot in hell because I ruined her life" I breathed out.

"Fuck mate I am killing that bitch" Draco laughed as he ran his hands over his face.


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