fourty six

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What are you guys doing rn cause I am watching this really good show on Netflix called reign and it's SO GOOD🕺🏾🕺🏾


It's been a few weeks since everything that happened and Lucius is still not back and let's just say Draco is very mad. He hates his father not being home and there for his family almost as much as he hates the man.

I walked down the stairs after I got ready for the day as I saw a bunch of people apear out of no where from black smoke as I stood in shock. Death eaters.

Lucius stood in the front as bellatrix and all the others stood behind him smirking at me. "Well well what do we have- this is that girl! The girl!" Bellatrix cheered as she stepped closer.

"Bella don't." Lucius stated as bellatrix started to walk closer to the staircase where my feet felt like they where glued to the floor.

"Come here darling." Shes smiled as she held out her hand as I couldn't say no, I stepped forward. Her smile quickly turned to an evil smirk as she pushed me down onto the floor.

Her body hovered over me as tears started to pour out of my eyes. I know what she's going to do, she was going to do the same thing she did to hermione. Because I am a mudblood.


As I quickly got ready I heard voices from downstairs. It's probably just mum and Sydney so I continued to put on my suit as I heard cries covered up with laughter. Then screams. Screams that echoed through the whole manor. Blood curdling screams I had to hold my hands to my ears. Hers.

I quickly ran out of my room in panic. I made
It to the staircase as my aunt was on top of Sydney- carving something, oh Merlin no no no. I have already gone through this once, I can't do it again.

"Stop!" I shouted as I ran down the stairs. My father quickly held me back as bellatrix smirked at me.

My body was shaking as I watched the love of my life be tourtured right in front of me. Her screams filled the manor as I jumped at every single one. Tears spilled out of her eyes "help me!" She cried as he face was pushed into the wood floors as I held my ears dropping down to my knees.

"Draco!" She screamed my name as my father gripped my neck. I couldn't move.

Bellatrix finished as I quickly pushed my father away running to her. "What did she do?!" I shouted at my aunt as I pulled her up in my arms.

"She's a mudblood." She spat walking away as everyone followed her.

I saw blaise run down the stairs as his eyes went wide. Her head hung low from the amount of pain she was in- emotional and physical. "Help me." I stated to blaise as he quickly helped me pick her up taking her to my room.

She layed on the bed as we both got towels putting them on the horrible mark my aunt left.

Theo walked in rubbing his eyes "what was all that- syd- what happened?" He ran over as me and blaise continued to help her wound but it was no use- it was going to scar.

"My aunt she did this..." I mumbled. I was angry, I can't hit my friends, I need to leave or I am going to hurt someone.

I quickly stood up as I heard Sydney say something "Draco where are you going.." she said as her voice was tired from screaming.

I didn't even say anything I just walked out going down stairs passing all of deatheaters "oh Draco joining us?" My father said as I stopped my tracks turning back to everyone as Voldemort sat at the head of the table.

"Fuck off Lucius. I will never forgive you. Ever." I spat in his face as he gripped onto my arm.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" He shouted in my face.

"I said fuck off." I spat as I jerked my arm away leaving the room.

I walked around the house for a while or driving the car. I couldn't be around anyone right now- I would probably fucking kill them.


My arm was painful to another extent. Blaise and Theo helped as Draco was off somewhere I had no clue. I just wanted him to be here with me but he can't even do that.

"Okay syd we got it." Theo muttered as he bandaged my arm. I sat up leaning against the wall as blaise and Theo stared at me.

"Wheres Draco." I mumbled as they looked at each other. "Fucking hell just get Draco." I cried.

"Fine yes I will find him." Blaise stated walking out of the room as I layed my head back on the wall. I just wanted Draco, that's it. I was hurting and where was he? No where.

"Hey Draco just needs to cool down, he will be here." Theo assured me as he sat next to me laying his head back too.

"I just want him to be there for me in times like these." A tear fell out of my eye.

"I know syd and he wants to be there for you but he's just angry and doesn't want to hurt you. I promise he's not trying to hurt you." He stated as I let out a deep shaky breath.

"But he is hurting me. He is- and it hurts to have the person you love not be there for you." I mumbled as I looked over at Theo who still had his head layed back.

The door opened before he could say anything as Draco walked in. "I need to talk to Draco." I stated as Theo and blaise nodded walking out leaving me and Draco in the room.

"How dare you." I scoffed as I stood up meeting his eyes. "How fucking dare you!"

"Syd are you okay." He stated coming closer.

"Am I okay?! Am I okay- Draco all I want is you to be there for me! All I want and it hurts to have to one person you really care about not be there for you! I don't care if you would fucking punch me or Theo or blaise I just want you to be with me!" I cried as he stood there.

"Draco I have spent years loving you and you can't handle your fucking anger that you just have to leave!"

"I don't want to hurt you Sydney! See I fucking promised I wouldn't hurt you and here we are again! I am hurting you! And I pains me!" Draco shouted as he started pacing around the room.

"This! This hurts more then you putting your hands on me." I stated as he looked at me. I turned my heals walking out as blaise and Theo stood right in the doorway. As I made eye contact with them they started whistling and touching the paintings around them.

"Oh sorry hey syd, how'd it go?" Blaise asked as I walked right passed him and to lolas room. All I needed was lola right now, she always knew how to Make everything better.

"Hey syd." She said sympathetically holding out her arms as I crawled in them crying.

All I wanted was Draco to be there for me- and I know he is but he's not showing it.


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