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Me and Lola arrived at her house. I always admired her house because it was so nice, well nice like a home. It had vines hanging from the brick building and inside colorful furniture that brightened up the space.

"Okay well girls you get settled and I will make dinner" lolas dad smiled but i could tell all he felt was pain. He never was the same after Cedric.

"Okay" we both laughed as we ran up stairs and started to unpack.

"So how are things with Draco, have you guys talked?" Lola asked folding her clothes into the dresser.

"Um no" I laughed "he has just ignored me and make snarky comments like it used to be when I first met him." I sighed.

"I am so sorry syd, I know you really liked him" she sat down on the bed next to me rubbing my shoulder in comfort.

"I- it's okay, I mean if he wants to throw it all away then so be it" I huffed standing up and smiling. "Come on let's have dinner"

I grabbed her hand as we ran down the stairs and saw her dad making food. "Oh girls will you set the table, we have some guests, old friends of mine coming over on Christmas." He smiled. "I think you might know their boy, he's in the same year as you both"

"Oh who?" I asked setting plates down.

"The malfoys" he smiled and my stomach dropped. "Their son.. Draco! That's it draco um you two know him?" He asked.

"Oh um I have seen him around" I smiled. Shit. I have to see Draco, how are they even old friends? This is going to be a complete and utter disaster.

"Um syd can i talk to you for a minute" Lola smiled as she took my hand and ran me out of the kitchen.

"The fuck is going on" Lola whispered.

"I don't know. I don't know how him and the Malfoys are even close!" I whispered.

"Me neither" she sighed "well that means we can make Draco jealous and show him what he's missing" she winked.

"What?" I asked.

"You can borrow one of my dresses and dress up" she smiled.

"Oh yes" I laughed as I took her hand and lead each other back into the kitchen where lolas dad was setting the food on the table.

We sat down and talked about our year as we stuffed our faces full of his amazing food. His food was always the best.

Me and Lola went upstairs and threw on some pajamas and talked for hours. I always miss these nights with her, since we are in different houses at hogwarts we never really see eachother that much so I always enjoyed this company.

We layed down in the bed. Staring at the ceiling in the dark and quiet. "Do you think Draco knows he's coming here" I asked turned my head on the pillow to face Lola. The moonlight shined on her skin as she turned to face me.

"Maybe but he might try and talk to you, I don't know" he sighed.

"I hope" I breathed.

"You love him don't you" she smiled.

"What no!" I giggled as I tuned back to face the ceiling.

"Yeah you do syd, haven't you recognized it?" She asked.

"I mean I have thought about it but he probably doesn't feel the same so there is no point" I gave a small smile.

"You need to tell him. He thinks that you are too good for him, that's what he said right?" She questioned.

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