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I woke up and Draco's arms were wrapped around my waist as his face was buried in my neck. He looked so peaceful but we had school so I had to wake him up.

"Draco" I whispered.

"Draco" I said louder. Nothing. Merlin this man.

"Draco wake up" I laughed releasing from his grip and standing up.

He groaned and whipped his eyes "the fuck? I am sleeping"

"Well we have classes so get up" I stated throwing the covers off of him.

"No! Just let me fucking sleep! I can skip classes for one day and you can too" he groaned.

"Come on Draco" I laughed pulling his legs to the bed of the bed and pulling him up make him stand up "there! See you are up!" I cheered as I started to put my uniform on.

"I don't want you talking to that Cassie girl. She's a bitch" I muttered throwing on my clothes.

He came behind me and held my hips as his cold hands pressed against my hips and kissed my neck "don't worry darling" he muttered against my skin which sent butterflies down to my stomach.

" now let's get to the great hall and eat something so I don't pass out again" I laughed as he put on his shoes and we walked out of the ravenclaw dorms.

"Yeah that was pretty good" he chuckled holding my waist.

"Oh piss off" I laughed.

People from the couches were eyeing us wondering why Draco Malfoy was in the Ravenclaw dorms but I shrugged it off.

We strolled into the great hall and saw Theo sitting with Blaise fighting over something "no, it goes like that! Not like that" Theo stated waving his wand showing Blaise the correct spell.

"Oh piss off nott I am right" Blaise laughed. "Hey guys"

"Hey, you guys ready for potions again" I groaned as I picked up an apple.

"Merlin no, I hope we all get in the same group again that was fun" Theo chuckled.

"Oh yeah me giving you all the answers, totally fun" I rolled my eyes playfully and taking a bite of my apple.

"Hey you guys want to go get butterbeer after classes?" Blaise asked.

"Yes I would love to, Draco?" I asked Turing to him.

"Yeah sure, but you fucking owe me a drink zabini remember?" Draco laughed.

"Oh yeah" he turned to me "Draco said last time we got butterbeer that if he payed for mine I have to pay for his" he groaned.

"Okay well let's get going" I stated standing up.

Theo and Draco walked beside me and Blaise was on the other side of Draco. Theo was making jokes as he layed his arm on top of my head because I was so short compared to his massive height.

I saw Cassie coming the opposite way "fucking hell" I groaned at Theo "ignore her" I stated.

"Oh Sydney" she smiled in front of us which all made us stop our tracks in the hall way. How the fuck did she find out my name?

"Hi Cassie can I help you or will you move and let me get to classes." I smiled.

"I see you have a lot of... guys around you, the fuck are you a whore." She sneered crossing her arms.

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