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Hey also if you guys have not noticed this does not follow the storyline of the Harry Potter films but it does have everything that happens just in different times so if you are confused on what's happening then comment and I will explain because it might be hard to understand LMAOO


It has been two weeks since the whole pansy thing and i have not seen her anywhere, draco said he was going to kill her but he never got the chance. After Blaise and Draco healed my cuts and bruises they where still sore and it was a little hard to move but I could deal with it.

"Syd!" Someone shouted as they ran into my dorm.

"Lola" I breathed as I got up as she ran over to me engulfing me into a hug.

"blaise just took me on the sweetest date last night" she cheered.

"stop! tell me!" I gave a small smile before she took a deep breath and explained the little picnic blaise put together for her.

"Okay well would you want to go get some food?" She asked holding out her palm as I nodded and put my hand on hers. We walked down to the great hall before sitting down at the Ravenclaw table with Luna. We chatted a while before we headed to classes. I went to charms and history of magic before heading back to my dorm to do some studies. I did for about 5 hours and headed down to the slytherin dorms to see Draco because we haven't talked today.

I knocked "come in" he stated as I twisted the handle and walked in. He was sitting on his bed reading a book. "Hey" he smiled.

"Hey, Um wanna hang out" I laughed.

"no" he smiled as the smile in my face got whipped off "I am just kidding, what do you want to do" he stood up walking over to me.

"you're too mean" i laughed "Um we could just go down to the black lake" I said as he nodded and grabbed a coat holding my back as we made it out of his dorm.

We walked through the common room as I noticed a familiar head of hair "one second" I smiled at Draco before walking over "oh if it isn't pansy parkinson" I slapped her face as she held her cheek.

"You bitch" she stated.

"You know pansy" I crouched down to her level on the couch "I did ruin your life, and I don't regret it" I stated as I slapped her face once again and stood up walking back over to Draco.

"Go fuck Draco will you!" She shouted.

"Oh I will don't worry darling" I smiled as we walked out.

"So you are going to fuck me or what" Draco whispered.

"Not now" I laughed as he rolled his eyes. We walked to the lake as we sat down. "Draco" I asked as he rubbed my arm.


"What's going to happen" I looked up at him to meet his eyes.

"I don't know- but I can tell you one thing." He stated waiting for an answer.

"What's that?" I furrowed my brows.

"I will keep you safe-"

He was cut off by narcissa appearing out of no where which made us bolt up and meet her eyes as she looked worried "you two need to come with me." She stated.

"What- why?" Draco asked as she stepped closer to the both of us.

"We will explain when we get there, right now I need Draco" She let out a shaky breath.

"Why does Sydney have to come?" Draco muttered.

"Because I don't think we can come back to Hogwarts after this." She stated which caused me to look at Draco in full shock. What's so crazy that we can't come back to Hogwarts? What about lola? blaise? theo? i can't leave them behind.

She grabbed onto our hands before we could say anything as she apparated out of the grounds and in front of the manor. I looked at Draco as he nodded.

She quickly guided us inside following along the cobblestone path and she opened the large doors, as I looked around seeing nothing, she sat us down on the couch in the parlor as a tear fell down her cheek. "Pansy completed the task, she's done it. dumbledoors dead and she is working on the vanishing cabinet, war is going to happen, not for a while but he wants harry potter." she stated which sent me into panic. i don't know what i was going to do, war? dumbledor is dead?

"mum you can't be serious" draco breathed as i felt his burning eyes look through me but i could not look at him right now. My school years- they where supposed to be different, they were supposed to be fun, not war, not this. I can't even look at draco, i need to get out of here- i need fresh air.

"what about my friends- lola- blaise- theo? i can't leave them i won't, i have to go back-"

"snape is the headmaster now, you can't go back. it's not safe." she said softly. "and that's finial, i will not compromise your safety." she said more aggressively.

"come on syd, let's go to my room- we can talk about this." draco said as we got up and walked out of parlor and made our way to draco's room.

"draco i am not leaving lola or blaise or theo to die there! we are going back!" i shouted right when we stepped into the room. I know if lola was in my position she would always come back to save me.

"syd we can't! fuck- i don't want to leave them either but we can't!" he spat back.

"draco what if it was you and blaise standing here right now and i was back in that castle. what would you do?! because i sure as hell would come back and save you!" i shouted as a tear ran down my face "i can't lose them! i can't! lola! she- " i cried.

"sydney lockheart you aren't losing them do you hear me!" he grabbed my shoulders as i met his blue grey eyes. "you aren't losing them!" he shook me as i saw tears in his eyes "i don't want to lose them either! but we will get them back just- just not right now. okay?"

"okay" i replied as he pulled me to his chest. We are just kids, all we want is a normal life. We never wanted this. We wanted getting wasted every weekend as we went to parties and laughed our heads off at the bar we like down at hogsmeade and somehow still passing everything in school. What we didn't want, is this. Constant fear of being killed or war starting or your friends fucking dying. It's not normal- none of this is normal.

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