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I quickly got up and put on my uniform. It was the first day of 5th year and I was absolutely terrified. Usually I am not, I am usually very exited because I quite like studies, they aren't that bad.

I threw on my skirt with my thigh high socks just like all the other girls and my Ravenclaw tie.

I strolled out of the dorms, making my way down to the great hall so I can maybe have an apple or something so I didn't starve the whole day. I quickly turned the corner and ran into "Blaise, Merlin I am sorry." I chuckled as I noticed Draco and the chubby guy they were with the other day.

"No problem syd, you have potions today?" He pointed his finger at me.

"Mhm, you?" I asked as we made eye contact.

"Yup, well see you there." he snickered.

I nodded and pushed past Draco and the other guy. "Hey watch it mudblood." Draco sneered as he chuckled and the chubby guy did too.

"Shut the fuck up malfoy, go deal with your daddy issues then come back to me." I scoffed.

He stopped "at least I have a dad." he scoffed as he pulled his bag more up on his shoulder. I froze, Blaise turned around with a worried look on his face. I immediately felt tears start to pool my eyes. How does he know about that? I have never told anyone?

"Fuck you!" I shouted and turned my heals. I heard Blaise's footsteps but I just wanted to be alone right now or with Lola.

Tears pooling my eyes as I spotted Lola. "Syd?" She questioned as she ran over to me "what happened?!" She asked worriedly.

"D- don't worry about It I will tell you later-" I was quickly cut off by Blaise turning my shoulder to meet his brown eyes.

"Are you ok? I know I am sorry, Malfoy can be a real dick sometimes." he held my shoulder as I nodded and laughed it off, like I always do.

"Seriously it's fine, it's doesn't even bother me." I said as I cleaned up my tears "see! Perfectly fine now I will see you in potions Blaise." I smiled and he turned his heals and walked away.

I huffed and turned back to Lola. "You have history of magic right now don't you?" She asked as we started walking down the corridors. I realized it was to late to grab an apple from the great hall so I was starving. The last time I forgot to eat I passed out, let's hope that doesn't happen.

We walked to history of magic and it was so bloody boring. All we talked about was the upcoming semester.

I walked out and parted ways with Lola. I headed to potions, which I had with Blaise. I hope Draco and his goons don't have it too.

I turned the corner to walk into potions and saw Malfoy laughing with Blaise and two other slytherins. I brushed it off and sat at a desk, they were tables basically so two people sat on one side and the other two sat on the other side.

Snape stormed in "okay! Shut your mouths! Seating... um Thomas, granger, lovegood, goyle together! Malfoy, zabini, lockheart and nott together!" He shouted as I groaned. I packed my books and went to their table and set my stuff down.

I really did not want to see Draco right now. Especially with what he said to me earlier.

Blaise sat next to me, Draco and Theo sat across from us.

"Now we are brewing dragon dung fertilizer... what are you all staring at.. start!" He sat down at his desk and started some work.

I opened my book as my cauldron was in front of me and I looked through the book as I memorized all the ingredients I needed. I walked over to the table with everything that snape sets up and picked up everything I needed.

With everything in my arms I sat everything down gently and looked up and saw all the boys staring at me, I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "what?" I asked.

"So you aren't going to help us" Theo chucked.

"I will tell you the ingredients but you have to brew it on your own" I said as they all groaned. This is going to be fun.

I quickly got the ingredients for all the boys and leaned over and put one of each In front of them "okay enjoy" I smiled as I turned back to my cauldron.

"Seriously lockheart?" Theo muttered.

"Just put the sloth brain in your cauldron and look at your book it will show you there" I snickered.

"Come on just show me" Theo begged as he pouted his lips.

"Seriously nott? Now you just want her to fuck you" Blaise laughing.

"No I do not!" Theo defended himself.

"Yes you do!" Malfoy butted in and I felt a sudden headache from not eating and their constant arguing.

"Shut it! Please" I said as they all turned to me "I have a raging headache just shut the fuck up for once and do the Potion... Please." I said softly and turned my attention back to my cauldron.

I felt so light headed and I leaned my hands against the table to catch my breath. Blaise put his hand on my back. "Hey you ok?" He asked.

"I- I am fine I just haven't eaten" I muttered.

"I have an apple if you want?" Draco asked and I looked up at him surprised. He pulled a green apple out of his robe and handed it to me.

"No" I said because I didn't want to have a fucking apple from that prick. I still felt like I was going to pass out. I breathed and just had to finish this potion.

Come on syd.

"Hey syd are you sure you are ok?" Blaise asked.

"Come on why do you care about that mudblood" Draco sneered.

I heard them start arguing and everything went black.

Blaise's POV

"Stop calling her that! She's a human being" I shouted at Draco.

"Guys!" Theo shouted.

"Shut up theo not now" I shrugged it off not even looking over in his direction.

"Guys!" He shouted once again which pulled me and Draco out of our argument and I saw Sydney laying on the floor.

"Shit" I muttered.

"Professor!" Draco shouted.

Snape got up and saw her laying on the floor. He crouched down and put his hands on her neck to see a pulse. "She's fine, Malfoy take her to the hospital wing" snape muttered as everyone's attention was on us.

"What! Why me?!" Draco protested but snape gave him a glare and Draco immediately shot up and ran over. He put her in his arms bridal style and started to Carry her out.

'Ohh Malfoy saving the girl' people snickered around the classroom.

"Oh shut it!" He shouted.

"Malfoy!" Snape shouted.

"Fine sorry." He muttered walking out with her arms hanging from his grip.

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