thirty eight

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Thank you guys so much seriously for 30k reads I can't even believe this. Thank you.🤍 also if there is any spelling errors forgive me cause I am to lazy to proof read rn💀

⚠️Tw: abuse


As my eyes fluttered open I immediately thought of Draco, and how he said those things last night but also he seems to be hiding something and I don't think it's something small.

I climbed out of bed as I took off my pajamas. I quickly threw on my uniform and walked to the great hall as I sat at the Ravenclaw table. I talked with Luna and Lola as we chatted about classes.

I heard my name being called as I turned around "Theo?! What the fuck-"

"-You need to help Draco now, somethings up with him" he sounded serious like something was really wrong.

"Oh okay" i headed out of the great hall with Theo following.

We made it to the slytherin dorms as I opened his. He was pacing around the room with tears in his eyes, bitting on his nails. I immediately ran over to his fraile body as I brought him close to me. "Draco what has happened?" I asked as his head tucked  down in my neck.

He just sobbed in my arms as we stood there, Theo left but me and Draco stayed still as his body wrapped around mine. He shook as hot tears flowed down my back. I felt terrible, whatever has happened cannot be good.

I pulled away from our embrace as I looked up into his eyes "Draco what's going on.." I asked softly.

"My fucking father!" He shouted through his tears as he kicked his dresser causing his books and rings- everything that was on it to fall to the ground. His breathing was heavy as he paced around the room again. "He- he fuck- he hit me! A lot! Until my fucking mouth was bleeding and-"

I cut him off by running up to him and taking his face in my hands, making him turn his attention to me "your father did this?" Is all I could let out.

"He did, and he said horrible things about me and he kicked me until mum was sobbing telling him to stop" his cloudy eyes looked into mine as I felt my heart break into a million pieces. When the person you love is in pain- it's makes you feel like you would do anything to help.

"Draco I am so sorry, why did he do that?" I asked trying to hold the tears back.

"Because you where there" he scoffed "its fucking Insane I know-"

"-Draco if it's my fault that you are being hit I can't let you have that pain I-"

"-Don't leave me now Sydney please, I need you." He whispered.

"Draco I cant let you get hurt because of me, a mudblood that you fell in love with I can't-"

"Sydney lockheart do not call yourself that. And I don't care if I get hurt because I only want to be yours. No one else's, I can deal with my father." He said " please just don't leave me" he said as he grabbed my hands. "Promise"

"Okay I promise, just let me stay with you instead of classes today." I said as I pulled him back in for a hug as he cried more "I am so sorry Draco" I whispered.

"Me too" he muttered in my hair.

We sat in his bed for a little while before I decided to leave and go take a shower back in my dorm. "Hey I am going back to my dorm for a little, I will be back" I kissed his head as he nodded.

"I love you Sydney" he smiled.

"I love you too Draco" I muttered as I walked out of the door and making my way down to the commons.

"Lockheart! Wait!" Someone shouted before I left the commons. I turned around to meet eyes with

"Theo, to what do I owe the pleasure" I chuckled as his tall figure walked closer.

"How's Draco?" He asked.

"Um okay, he's just having a rough patch so I helped." I smiled.

"Oh cool well want to hang out with me and Blaise?" He gestured.

"Oh yeah sure, give me like 30 minutes, I was just going to take a shower-"

"-You can take one in our bathroom, I know me or Blaise or even Draco wouldn't mind giving you some clothes" he muttered as I nodded my head.

"Yeah sure, thanks" I smiled as we walked up to their room and saw Blaise smoking.

"Want a hit?" He handed me the blunt as I chuckled and took one hit.

"Syds going to take a shower" Theo stated as I went to Draco's room and stool some sweats and a shirt.

I quickly hopped in the shower as I rinsed my body off. After I finished I stepped out, I was putting on my clothes with my back to the door as I heard it open. I didn't pay any attention I thought it was Theo or Blaise "I thought you guys said privacy-"

I was cut off by something hitting my head and everything going black.


Short chapter my b😐✋🏻

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