𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐲𝐨'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝟏𝟕 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨

"Get back here!"

He slammed the door behind him and ran as fast as he could. But she was more agile than him. She caught up in no time and dragged him back. "No! No, stop! Let go of me! Please!"

"Shut it!" She kicked open the door and dunked his head into a bucket of freezing water. It rushes in, cold and murky, like it owns him; stealing away the air that would save this fragile body. Darkness enveloped him. His arms and legs kicked out desperately as he choked on the water. She trapped him. Kept him from the oxygen he needed. His entire body was throbbing and his lungs felt as though they'd been set on fire.

She laughed to herself, then put out her cigarette on his naked back. His screams are muted by the surge of water that forces its way down his throat.

After a couple of seconds, she heaved him out at gave him a slap. "You're a fucking curse! Good for nothing! Don't ever ask me that again, d'you understand?! Nobody in this world loves you. Bloody freak; ruined my damn life. Go clean your fucking blood. Hurry up."

"...yes mum... sorry mum."

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞


I blink back into reality. "Hmm?"

Saint and AHQ are expectantly staring at me. This is the third time I've drifted off, thinking about mum. I don't know why she's on my mind all of a sudden. Today's been so good. I don't wanna ruin it by thinking of her. And Bec's not here to set me straight either.

Wait a second. Bec's not here. Where is she?

"Have you lot seen Bec?"

AHQ makes a face at me. "Nigga, we literally just asked you that. Wake up. The guests are about to be let into the hall and we don't know where she is. We thought she was with you."

"She went to change into her reception dress, no?"

"Yeah, but didn't she come back here after?"

That's when I realise something isn't right. Her dressing room is literally down the hall. It's not like she could've got lost. And, today of all days, she wouldn't do anything stupid. What has she gotten herself into at such bad timing. "Nah."

Saint kisses his teeth. "Fuck's sake, man. We can't have one day, can we?"

Just then, the feds that I payed to watch Willow come into the room. Their presence has me even more baffled. Hasn't Willow go back to the prison? "Why you lot still here?" I ask them.

"Mrs Waters requested a private talk by the cliffs with her mother half an hour ago. We haven't seen them since."

"Oh my days..."

I start running. Saint and AHQ follow me. I knew we couldn't trust Willow. Bec has too much faith, and that leads to her making stupid decisions. Going to an isolated place alone with the woman who nearly killed our son? I don't care if that's her mum or not. She knows better than this.

Five of us, including the two feds, sprint out to the beach. "Me and Saint can go up, you guys take the beach," AHQ instructs us, then proceeds to run up the edge of the cliff. Saint shrugs, clearly having no say in this, and follows her.

Me and the feds continue down the sand, till we're deep between the hills. This trail goes on for ages. It even outruns the sea. I don't know whether she's 3 metres away or 300 metres away. But she's with that psychopath, so she's in serious danger irregardless.

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