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𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐜𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Cas got home from wherever he went at around 10pm. You have a serious bitchy attitude and he can tell almost straight away. He takes off his shoes, and wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your neck.

"Hey baby," he says.

Ugh, please. You haven't fallen for it. How many times has he said the same thing to that other girl he's seeing behind your back?

You clear your throat and respond with a dry "hi," before focusing back on Nevaeh.

He sits next to you, sighing. "Still pissed for no reason?"

Fuck it. You wanted to wait for him to come clean on his own, but you don't have that kinda patience anymore. "Where were you yesterday?"

His head retracts. You can tell he didn't expect that. It's thrown him off. "Where was I-"

"Did I stutter?" Every time you ask him this, he knows you're not playing. "Where were you?"


"With who?"

"Saint; I told you this before I left, why you asking again?" He replies in an agitated tone.

"So if I go and ask Saint right now if you were in the studio with him yesterday, he'll say yes?"

He shrugs, still unsure of where the conversation's going. "Yeah, he will."

"Ok. I'll do that then." You can't believe this. Nobody can ever take you for a dickhead. That's a pill you refuse to swallow. Cas, of all people trying it? He dares not.

You get up and leave the room, trying to hide the anger for a few more minutes, till you get Saint to tell the truth.

He's in the kitchen, on his phone, waiting for something to finish warming up in the microwave. He looks up when he sees you, immediately noticing something isn't right. "Wagwan Becca?"

Your older brother. That's what Eden is. He wouldn't lie to you. Would he? "Yesterday, were you at the studio with Cas?"

He paused for a second. It's like he was trying to figure up if it was a set up or not. Then his phone vibrated and a text popped up on top of the screen. It disappeared after a few seconds but you saw who it was from. You know Saint saw, too.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Erm... we was... erm, in the studio."

Wow. Out of all the people in the universe, you expected the one like an older brother to tell you the truth. But then again, your actual older brother lied about dying, so you should know by now to expect the unexpected.

"Casyo just messaged you; what did he say?" You pressured.

"Nah, that was Esther."

This is hurting you more than you thought it would. It's making your heart beat faster than you thought it would. The two strongest men in your life are letting you down at the same time and it's crumbling on the inside.

Me and you for life.
I got you for life.

All this 'for life' talk that Cas used to talk was fake. He lied. How dare he?

"It wasn't Esther, it was Cas. What did he say? Where was he?"

The more you ask, the more uncomfortable Saint becomes. The look on his face says it all. "Nah, man, it was Es-"

"Eden, please!" It doesn't take much to beg. You're already crying your eyes out. If that's not moving Saint, begging is the last resort. "I have two children by this man. Just... tell me what he said. Please, for the sake of our kids. Tell me."

My Opp's Sister 2Where stories live. Discover now