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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐲𝐨'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Everything dropped. Literally everything. The plate in Nana's hand. The shoe on Tory's foot. The smile on Saint's face. Bro, Sierra nearly dropped Nevaeh.

My eyebrows had raised, and it felt like they weren't coming back down for a while. I been knew they were hiding something, but didn't expect it to be this. It weren't Sharon's place to expose them like that. They would've told us in their own time.

Esther looked so humiliated, I actually felt bad for her. The woman who cusses her out 24/7 for no reason has just outed her business to everyone.

"You're pregnant?" The words can barely leave Nana's lips. "Congratu-"

"No, no, no." Esther started crying. I didn't think my eyebrows could go any higher, but they did. Seeing Es cry is something I thought I'd never witness. It takes a lot to make her cry. And if she's crying now, then Sharon fucked up bad. "No, I'm not pregnant."

"Bae; Es, wait - " we all looked to Saint in confusion as she ran out of the room. If she isn't pregnant, why's Sharon saying she is? Saint was pissed. Real pissed. "Ma, what the fuck, man, what you doin?!"

The way his tone switched from softly telling Esther to wait, to yelling at his mum was crazy. I dunno if she was tryna make their relationship better or something, but she defo made it a whole lot worse. "I thought... I thought she was pregnant," Sharon stuttered.

"Don't do shit like this; what's wrong with you?! How did you even find out?!"

"I... Eden, you went to the hospital today because she was bleeding and having cramps. Did you not go to check on the baby?"

He sighed. I saw how hard he was trying not to lash out, and had a feeling he wouldn't be able to hold it in much longer. "The test was wrong, she ain't pregnant. All the bleeding and nausea and shit was her period."

The silence got quieter. That must sting. From the moment you find out your girl's carrying your seed, an unexplainable feeling bubbles up inside you. They didn't necessarily lose a baby, cah it was never there. But I know that must've hurt.

"Oh Eden, I'm so sorry - "

"Nah, you're not sorry! You're never fucking sorry!" He stormed towards her, hollering in her face. We had to hold him back cah if we didn't, I knew he would slap her. "I'm sick of your bullshit, man! Why you always gotta do this?! Why couldn't you just be a normal mum?!"

"Eden, I'm trying - "

"It's too late to try! You've had 23 years to fucking try and you wanna start now?! Fuck that, man, you ain't shit! That's what you tell me all the time, innit?! The apple clearly don't fall far from the fucking tree, cah you ain't shit either! Don't upset my girl like that, are you crazy?!"

Sharon didn't even know what to say. Even though their relationship has always been strained, he's never shouted at her. She's his mum, at the end of the day, so he respected her. This is more than unmasking their business. He's letting out all the anger from everything she's ever done.

"Please," she begged, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up. Don't chat to Es again, d'you understand? Don't even breathe the same air as her," he spat. This is the limit for him. There's no going back now. She's botched their relationship for good. "You man get off me, I need to check if Es is good," he said to us.

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