Chapter 22

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The door clicked shut behind her with an air of finality that Perci didn't try to read too much into. Pressed against the cold metal of the exit, she kept her eyes clenched shut as she tried to find the courage to look at her mate.

The sounds of heavy breathing and her own ragged breaths filled the small room, but she concentrated on the steady clinking sound of the seraph manacles to calm her down. Although she had tried to convince other people that her soulmate wouldn't hurt her, in truth, she knew if she crossed the hazard-taped line that Lucan would attack. He wouldn't be able to stop himself.

Steeling herself for the heart-breaking sight that awaited her, she opened her eyes and promptly turned away with a sob, resting her forehead on the blackened door. She cried until the tears dried up, a part of her was curious why Lucan hadn't started raging at her presence. Centering herself, Perci turned and forced her body into rigidity instead of following the instinctual reaction to run fleeing out of the room.

Lucan sat on the floor in a deceptively calm position. One leg stretched out with the other bent at the knee which he rested one chained arm on. The other arm laid across his thigh, his clawed hand gripping his flesh hard. His clothes were torn and dirty and somehow in the past few weeks, his shoes had disappeared. But it was his face that really showed the toll of the feralism. In his full Archdemon glory, Lucan was a formidable sight at the best of times, now with his teeth elongated in a snarl, cheekbones too sharp and eyes too vicious, Perci could almost convince herself it was a completely different person she was staring at. There was no familiar heat or recognition in his gaze and the last of her hope that she would be able to get through to him evaporated. The serum really was her last chance at getting him back.

She took little steps forward, flinching and stopping each time Lucan growled or his arms lit up in flames. When she did so, it was obvious that there remained some speck of intelligence since he always stopped or extinguished. He wanted her closer.

Probably to kill her. She thought, disturbed. However, that didn't stop her from walking straight up to the hazard line and kneeling so she didn't tower over him.

"Hi." She whispered, every inch of her dying to climb into his lap and embrace him. Lucan remained silent but snarling. "It's me, Perci, your soulmate."

Again Lucan did nothing but flash his teeth at her. When she suddenly moved her hand to cover her heart, he visibly tensed and narrowed his eyes at her, like a panther primed and ready to pounce.

"I can't do this without you." She whimpered, her emotions getting the better of her. No reaction, though his eyes did blaze an even brighter orange. "I need you to come back to me, Lucan. I need you."

Taking a risk, she shuffled over the line on her knees, ignoring the discomfort. Lucan immediately snarled louder, his teeth on full show. Her body began to shake with fear, knowing there was a high chance she would be hurt in her attempt to administer the serum. Perhaps she was being foolish, but she couldn't bear the idea of Lucan hurting his friends or them hurting him if they injected him instead. Moving forward another half-metre, she assessed the length of chain the manacles provided and deduced that if she moved forward even an inch more, he could easily take her down. It was now or never. She gulped audibly, moved to grasp the serum in her pocket and as if sensing her intentions Lucan unfurled his claws at the ready.

Suddenly the door keypad beeped outside and Abaddon's voice yelled her name frantically. Startled and instantly panicked, Perci swung around to face the door by reflex. Using her mistake to his advantage, the next few seconds passed as if in a blur.

Just as the door swung open to reveal a pissed-off Abaddon, Lucan stretched forward and latched onto Perci's waist, hauling her into the circle of his arms on the ground. He then yanked her backwards, placed his arm around her chest in an unyielding hold, collared her throat and rested his fully bared teeth at her jugular.

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