Chapter 38

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The next day, Perci hummed as she thumbed through some baby furniture magazines in Lucan's office. Her mate was currently busy coordinating pulling in troops to Undercity from the strongholds around the world on the large monitors mounted on the wall. Samael and Archon were both blown up full screen and were trying to decide how many legions they needed to keep with them and how many they could spare to send home.

Leaning over to the coffee table in front of the low sofa she sat on, she picked up a strawberry and ate it whilst simultaneously dog-earing a page that had cute blankets and throws on it. It was probably ridiculous to be planning so far ahead, but with everything going on, she really needed some sort of normalcy. And there was nothing more normal than looking at baby stuff when pregnant. However, as much as she wished she could stay in that constant state of blissful denial, when Lucan ended the video call, she put the magazine down and drifted over to her mate.

"How is everything? Will we have enough legion if Michael chooses to attack here?" She asked and settled in the space between his legs as he leant back on his desk.

"Yes, but I would rather be over prepared. Samael can spare a few dozen men, but Charun will lose the ground he's made if he sends anyone over." He sighed and cupped her cheek to bring her forward and press a kiss to her forehead. "From what you've told me of your time in Ascension, Michael will be enraged from losing his strongest portal maker. He will attack. And soon."

Perci frowned and tried to think of something to say that would soothe her obviously stressed out soulmate, but instead jerked her head to the door as it opened. Abaddon came in with a fresh-faced Maya who had his hand in a white-knuckled grip.

She immediately brightened upon seeing them and grinned at them both. She'd barely made it halfway across the room, however, when Abaddon strode to her and embraced her hard. Only a second passed before she returned the hug just as tightly and reached out to hold Maya's hand as she joined their huddle. When Abaddon finally drew away, she laughed a little at her emotional display of tears.

"Perci, I don't know how I'll ever repay you." He told her, drawing Maya close.

"Nor I." The rosy cheeked seraph said.

Overwhelmed with the love she felt in the room, Perci looked at them both and smiled with a deep joy that showed just how happy she was for them.

"How about you just promise me you will both cherish each other."

"That goes without saying."

Maya laid her hand over Abaddon's chest and they shared a private look, then spying Lucan who came up behind Perci to stand beside her, Maya bowed slightly.

"King Lucan. It's good to see you again."

"Maya." He chided gently. "I believe I told you to call me Lucan."

"That was a long time ago, before I..." She trailed off.

"Before you let me believe you were dead." He finished for her and she nodded. "You thought your mate was gone and you had been forcibly turned into one of my enemies. If you are looking for forgiveness it is unnecessary."

Maya's face brightened briefly but she quickly shook her head with a pained expression.

"I don't know if I can forgive myself. I should have gotten word to you somehow, I should have-"

"What's done is done, Maya." He said softly, curling an arm around Perci's waist. "There's little point in speculating about what could have happened. You should concentrate on the future you now have together."

"Don't worry, I intend to." She leaned up to peck Abaddon on the lips then turned to Lucan once more. "To that end, I think we need to sit down and talk about strategy."

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