Chapter 16

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Perci spent the rest of the afternoon trying to dig herself out of the emotional black hole she had fallen into. Iknaya's presence was a help, but she was well aware her bodyguard's existence was an annoyance in itself as it represented Lucan's wishes for her to be coddled. It infuriated her that in the Bowels she was ridiculed for not being strong enough and now apparently it was acceptable if not encouraged for her to be weak. Lucan wanted a delicate flower for a soulmate, and now she was trying to work out whether they were going to be able to work past it.

"You're not listening." Iknaya poked her arm and Perci was snapped out of her runaway thoughts.

"Sorry." She sighed. "You were talking about your home?"

"We can talk about something else if you like." Iknaya cocked her head and stirred the cup of tea she held. The two of them were sitting in a large open section of one of the corridors in the main residence. A large round window looked out onto a secluded courtyard and due to the location they were completely alone. Instead of joining the other demons for lunch, they'd decided to swing by the kitchens and take some nibbles with them.

"No, I really am interested, I promise." She said honestly. "I just have a lot on my mind. Please, continue."

"Well as I said, most Harpies are born, live and die in Harpy's Reach. It's this area of tall mountains covered in little spatterings of forests just south of Pandemonium."

"Ah, Mekaziel's territory." Perci smiled, remembering the Lord who'd actually been kind to her.

"You've met Lord Mekaziel?" Iknaya asked, clearly surprised.

"Yes, he helped me transition in the Bowels of the Citadel."

"Wow, is he as handsome as people say?"

"I suppose he is." Perci laughed, feeling her gloomy mood lift a little. "I can't say I noticed much."

"Well no one comes close to your soulmate in your eyes. All handsome men are wasted on you." She giggled.

"But not on young Harpies who are still seeking the promise of their soulmate, I see." Perci teased and Iknaya giggled.

"One day..." She sighed wistfully.

"If you want you can have mine." Perci grumbled, staring at nothing outside the window.

"My Queen!" Ikanaya gasped with a laugh.

"Ugh, forget I said anything." She ran a hand down her face in aggravation. "I thought I could talk about it without wanting to scream, but I was wrong."

"This is about self-defence training isn't it?"

"Yes!" Perci blurted and stood up to pace. "I don't understand what right Lucan thinks he has to completely shoot down me learning how to protect myself!"

"I hate to break it to you, but he has every right. He's the King."

"That's so freaking sexist!" Perci raised her voice.

"It's not sexism. If you were the Queen and him a recently turned demon then you would have every power to do what he did."

"Oh shut up. I'm trying to stay mad." She pouted and collapsed back in the armchair.

"You know I would train you in a heartbeat if I wouldn't risk being executed." Iknaya said softly.

"I know. I would never ask you to go against Lucan's orders." Perci sighed, giving her a small smile.

"Things will work out, my Queen. I promise."

"For his sake, they'd better."


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