Chapter 39

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The feeling of complete and utter belonging washed over Lucan as he stepped through the portal to Gehenna. The familiar pulsing power of the land he had created resonated with him in a way that being in the human world couldn't match. With a sigh, he let out a wave of power that would invigorate the land and be a warning to those powerful enough to feel it, that he was back.

The portal chamber inside the Citadel Keep was much the same as he remembered it. The stained glass windows cast an array of colours on the ground as the sun beamed through them and the familiar heat of a demonic summer sweltered him immediately. As he stepped down from the dias to enter the room fully, he ignored the two legion guards who dutifully bowed and spied Maya's window. There were flowers arranged underneath it on a small wooden stool. The sight of it made him smile as he recalled Perci telling him her request.

Striding through to the corridor beyond, Lucan made the journey to the first floor of the Keep where all of his Commanders and his own offices were. Along the way he greeted the demons who were of a high enough rank that warranted it and largely ignored everybody else. He didn't have the time or inclination to do anything further. Once through the distinctive archway that told any ordinary residents of the Keep to go no further, a familiar demon rushed to stand in front of him and bow.

"Fabian." Lucan greeted him warmly. "It's good to see you again."

The Citadel Keep's steward was unchanged from the two decades it had been since he'd last seen him. He was still a leanly muscled Hellspawn with a permanently frazzled appearance. It seemed as though the departure of all the main residents of the Keep hadn't lessened the workload on his shoulders.

"My King." He smiled deeply and straightened. "It's a pleasure to have you back."

Lucan clapped him on the shoulder and gestured for him to accompany him. Fabian had been the Keep's steward for as long as he could remember, no one could fault his loyalty and attention to detail. He ran the Keep with an iron first though he had no combat prowess to speak of. People respected him for his quiet strength.

"I'm afraid I'll only be here for a few hours."

"I can have light refreshments sent up to the meeting chambers immediately, my King."

"Add a bottle of Niflean Wine, will you?" Lucan grinned, walking away. Fabian nodded with a knowing smile and was quick to rush off.

As Lucan walked through the halls of the home he missed so dearly, a familiar pulse of power drew closer until the welcome sight of Lord Sithral came around the corner in front of him.

"Lucan." Sithral grinned and shot forward to embrace him. "I thought I felt your arrival."

"Sithral, my friend." He drew away from the Lord and gestured for him to walk with him through the Keep. "Are you well?"

"As well as I can be with everything going on. What is the state of the war in the human world?"

"We march against Michael in a matter of days."

"I take it this isn't a friendly visit then?"

"Unfortunately not."

Lucan used a blast of power to open the doors to his personal meeting chamber and pulled out his padded, carved oak chair that sat around a large table. Sithral pulled up a chair beside him and shrugged off the leather coat he wore.

"So tell me, how is our Queen doing?" Sithral asked with no preamble.

"She is well. Perci has taken to the role amazingly."

"Good, she struck me as a strong, capable woman when I met her."

Lucan smiled with pride.

"I wanted to thank you for your help in her transition. She has told me about how you and Mekaziel assisted her in feeling welcome here."

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