Chapter 6

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Perci screamed as she fell through the murky darkness and her body spun out of control. Black fabric whipped around her and white wisps illuminated the air she was falling through. Her screaming tapered off once she got used to the stomach in her throat feeling and it was then that she suddenly slammed onto rocky ground.

Winded, it took a minute for her to get her bearings, but once she did she looked up at the solid cave ceiling in confusion. A moment passed as she tried to make sense of what was happening and the memory of her death flooded her mind. Now, as tears fell from her eyes, she looked around with greater interest. Perci could barely remember her final moment, but she was almost sure Lucan had done something to her before everything had gone black. It was well-rumoured amongst humans that immortal blood was the only way to be reborn as a one of them, but she'd always dismissed it as fanciful imaginings. Now though, it seemed like the only logical explanation. Relief, sharp and drugging, overwhelmed her. There was only one place she could be.


When she finally got to her feet it was to find her body completely pain free and lacking the mortal injuries she expected to see. Instead, the body she didn't really feel at all was covered by a plain black dress that reached her ankles in soft waves of fabric. And she was also relieved to see Lucan's brands in all of their possessive glory still on her skin.

Crying for a few moments, she remembered Lucan's face as he held her dying body. It was a face she would never forget, she promised herself. Frowning and making a concentrated effort to stop sniffling, she looked around the cave and saw only one exit that was lit by a small sconce of fire.

She inched towards the exit in her bare feet, her soft footfalls barely registering in the gloom. The exit opened out to a winding hallway, but only the path to the left was lit. The right wound away into darkness and for some reason Perci felt a deep tug urging her to forget any rational thought and follow her instincts. She'd taken a few steps towards the obviously intended path before that urge overwhelmed her and she turned around with a curse. Her stupidity would undoubtedly end up getting her killed. Again.

Pure silence emanated from beyond and the rapidly dwindling light made every crevice in the rocky walls seem sinister. The only thing that broke the blackness was the occasional sconce of fire set deep into the wall. After a while of slow progress, Perci debated turning around and trying to find someone, but that strange instinct was still demanding she continue.

Two right turns and a squeeze through a tight gap in the rock later, Perci reached a section of rocky tunnel lit by sconces of purple demonfire. The colour of the flames was so different that it made the area appear more sinister than before, but her sudden apprehension wasn't enough to make her turn back. Instead, she soldiered on, until she came to a stop before a large gap in the rocky wall.

It took some doing, since the gap was set high in the wall, but in moments she'd climbed inside, fallen on the ground and narrowingly avoided impaling her hand on an area of sharp rocks. She wrenched back her limb with a squeak and quickly got to her feet.

Perci tried to see through the thick darkness, but the low purple light from the demonfire outside the small cave wasn't enough to illuminate much. Nevertheless, she staggered forward, being careful to search out with her hands and feet for any unexpected walls or dops. Finally, just when she was about to admit defeat and ignore the overwhelming feeling that was overcoming her, her foot hit something solid and heavy. She bent down and carefully stretched her hand out. Her skin met something that felt like cool, smooth glass and she ran her fingers over its surface curiously.

"How dare you trespass here!" A sharp angry voice bellowed, and Perci immediately dropped the piece of glass with a scream.

She spun around to face a large minotaur who stood just inside of the cave entrance. With a flick of his fingers a plethora of small torches burst with demonfire around the cave. The once dark space lit up instantly and she almost wished it hadn't. The demon had a nasty scowl on his face and coupled with his black leather armour and large claymore afixed to his back by straps, it was enough to have her shaking. However, before she could defend her trespass, his mouth opened in shock and he fell to one knee, looking at the ground.

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