Chapter 11

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"So this is how it is to be then?" Lucifer spat, glaring at Michael, Alexiel and a number of his fellow seraph.

He stood in front of a portal surrounded by a large ornate room made from crystal prisms. The light would have been blinding for any mortal, but the beings inside it exuded enough light of their own that it didn't matter.

"You know that it has to be, your actions-" Michael started, stepping forward.

"I did what any one of us would have done. You should have acted!" Lucifer yelled, his voice echoing. The hall fell silent.

"You had no evidence, I'm sorry Lucifer, but your crimes will be dealt with full severity." Michael narrowed his eyes, unsheathing his blade.

Lucifer gripped his sword.

"So there is no place for me in Ascension?" Lucifer asked, his eyes changing from blue to orange. Seraph, who stood with Michael, began murmuring.

"No, it's time for your soul to find peace."

"Will you be the one to slay me, Brother?" Lucifer asked as his body grew taller and claws sprouted from his fingertips.

"It gives me no pleasure to do so, but I must." Michael remained undaunted, his Archangelic form growing brighter.

With a roar, Lucifer's body burst into flames, the heat making everyone leap back. Michael and Alexiel stayed in their positions, awaiting the monster. What emerged from the fire was nothing short of horrific. Lucifer's entire body was coloured red, horns and wings protruding from his head and back. Embers flowed around his body and in his veins. He was truly and utterly demonic.

"What have you done?" Michael asked, eyes wide.

"What I should have done a long time ago."

Perci collapsed back from holding Cerberus' paw into the plush seating situated just off the side of the transition dais.

"That was Lucan turning into a demon for the first time?" She asked with tears in her eyes. His head nodded and she absent-mindedly scratched behind his ears.

Her mind mulled over the images Cerberus had shared as she moved down to scratch his back when suddenly he shot up to let out a hair-raising howl. Before she could calm Lucan's familiar, he bounded off through the slightly ajar door to the Citadel.

Confused, Kronan rushed over to her from where he was talking to a legionnaire about patrols.

"What was that about?"

"I have no idea, he just howled and took off." Perci shrugged, walking to the boundary separating the Bowels with the Citadel Keep.

"Stay here, I'll go see what's happening." Kronan said before slipping through the door.

Perci sighed and leant against a nearby uneven pillar of stone, not for the first time hating the fact she was stuck underground. She didn't have to wait longer than ten minutes, however, before Kronan slipped back through with a wide grin on his face. And when the doors opened up fully with a flourish a second later, Perci's eyes widened at the sight of Abaddon sauntering through.

Immediately there were a hundred things she wanted to say, but looking around at the multitude of souls, it was clear they needed more privacy. She gestured for everyone to follow her to her chamber. They didn't need to have an audience for what she imagined Lucan's Second was here to talk about. Once there, Perci collapsed into an armchair, nervously waiting.

"It's good to see you again, Second." Kronan clasped Abaddon's arm in a warrior's greeting.

"Know that when Lucan can do it himself, he will reward you beyond measure for ensuring the safety of his soulmate." He proceeded to clap Kronan on the shoulder.

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