Chapter 23

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Why am I so comfortable? Perci thought.

The last time she'd died, she had woken up on a rocky floor of a cave. This time however, she felt the fluffy mattress and feather pillows under her head. There was also heavy warmth pressed against her back and a tickling sensation moving up and down her inner thigh.

Her foggy mind slowly started to clear and the more she paid attention to the sounds of her breathing, the more she realised that she must have survived. Tensing with the horrific memories flooding her mind, she frantically searched for their soul bond and there it was, pulsing in a healthy beat. Her mental faculties finally kicked all the way back in.

Gasping, Perci turned and locked eyes on the beautiful sight of her soulmate.

"Lucan." Tears filled her eyes and as close as they were, Perci saw the guilt, anger and finally affection flash through his expression.

"My beautiful Persephone." He whispered, cupping her jaw.

"It worked." She exclaimed and he gently wiped away her tears. "Oh, Lucan."

Surprising both of them at her fervour, she closed the distance and planted a heavy, wet kiss on his lips. Mere seconds later, however, Lucan took immediate control of the sensual assault and dominated her mouth.

He moved over her in one smooth move and settled between Perci's naturally parted legs. It didn't bother her that she was naked, all she felt was a raw need unlike any she had ever felt. Using their nakedness to his advantage, Lucan rolled his hips so the hardness at the apex of his thighs brushed up against her. A sharp breath escaped her.

Then, with a smile so wicked her body tightened in anticipation, Lucan curled his hips so his engorged length glided beautifully against her clit. In response to the stimulation, Perci's back arched and Lucan took this opportunity to break their kiss and suck one nipple deep into the cavern of his mouth. She cried out at the contact and almost whimpered when he moved his sinful tongue down until she could feel his hot breaths against her mound. When Lucan did nothing but nuzzle the skin either side of where she wanted him, she reached down to touch herself, but her wrists were quickly shackled by his hands.

"Lucan!" She whined, tilting her hips so more of her was bared. He chuckled and nipped the mound above her sensitive flesh which had her jerking away from his smirking face.

"Patience." He murmured and pressed kisses above and to the sides of where she was desperate for him to be.

Her mouth opened to beg him to stop being needlessly cruel, but before she could draw breath, Lucan delved in with a long strong swipe through her folds. Her mind blanked from the ecstasy of that simple motion and pretty soon her soulmate's mouth was ravaging her so thoroughly that tears leaked unbidden from her eyes.

"Lucan, I can't-" She squeaked deliriously, lost in the pleasure and unsure if she was going to be able to handle the cataclysm she knew was coming.

"You can take it." Lucan growled out and returned to winding her up so high that she thought she was in danger of passing out. She panted horrendously and her hips kept undulating on his face as her peak roared closer.

"Come." He snarled, spearing his tongue into her channel.

Perci exploded, seeing stars as her body clenched down hard on the wet muscle. Wave after wave of pleasure ruined her and the noises emanating from her mouth matched the indescribable feelings radiating through her body. Bare seconds past and whilst still in the throes of the most intense orgasm she'd ever had, Lucan rose to blanket her in hard, hot maleness.

Despite the intensity she was feeling, nerves broke through the steamy haze and began to take root in her body. As if sensing her dwindling inner fires, Lucan used their bond to his advantage and a tidal wave of pure sexual heat punched down the thread. It was so vicious that had she been standing, Perci would have fallen to the floor in a wet puddle. The second it made impact, her body clenched and lengthened the climax that seemed to not want to abate. The resulting scream that left her throat was quickly cut short by Lucan fusing their mouths together in a blazing kiss until she came down.

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