Chapter 29

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"How far are we?" Perci asked Lucan as he led them through the thick undergrowth of the forest.

They were currently wading through bushy ferns and small trees, the branches of which thanks to her protective clothing didn't so much as scrape her skin. For once, she hadn't argued the necessity for the all black combat gear. Her entire body was hugged by the lightweight body armour, in fact only her head was free and her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She'd taken one look in the mirror before they'd left for the portal and thought she belonged in a spy movie.

"A few minutes, if you listen closely you should be able to hear the battle."

Stretching out her still new and unreliable senses, Perci finally heard the clashing of metal and grunts that clearly indicated a skirmish. She eyed Lucan's nightsword that was strapped across his back with straps that were made of a specialised leather infused with his power.

"Do you know if Abaddon's distraction is working?" She asked as they reached the top of a small hill.

Down below, mostly obscured by the trees, she could see flashes of blue and purple fire. The sight would almost be beautiful if it weren't two factions of immortals trying to kill each other.

"I have to assume so, otherwise we would have been ambushed by now." He smirked at her and she slapped him lightly on the arm at his teasing.

They walked the remaining distance to the outer layer of trees surrounding the portal in silence. Once they were close enough that an eagle-eyed seraph would notice, Lucan pushed her behind a thick trunk of a tree and unsheathed his blade.

"Stay here and stay aware. Do not move unless I call for you or your life is in danger." Though the authoritative tone rankled her, Perci nodded anyway. She understood just how much her soulmate had bent to allow this operation to take place, it was her turn to do the same.

When his head bent to kiss her, Perci gripped the tight black leather of his vest and deepened the connection. With a quiet growl her body was pressed against the tree forcefully and hands quickly bracketed her head. The need for breath fought against her rising desire, but Lucan drew back before she had to choose between them.

"Don't get hurt." She ordered him softly.

"As my Queen demands." He said against her lips.

Perci stayed absolutely still behind the trunk as Lucan joined the fray and only after she was sure he'd be right in the thick of it, did she peek out. Her soulmate was a deliciously fearsome sight in demon form, but there was something majestic about him fighting in his normal body. Every slash and parry was expertly coordinated, every burst of demonfire intentional. One day, she hoped to be able to stand beside him as his equal in battle, but that day was a long way off.

The fighting continued for at least an hour, during which time Perci remained on high alert, checking her immediate surroundings thoroughly every few minutes and always keeping her senses switched on. The legions had gained enough ground that the seraph were retreating, but she couldn't stop looking away from the body of Harpy whose head was lying a few feet away staring into nothing.


She heard Lucan's call, but instead of rushing to him, she bee-lined for the Harpy and knelt to close her eyes.

"She'll be taken back to Undercity along with the other dead and cremated. Her ashes will be stored until we can return them to her family." Lucan said in a carefully blank tone as he drew her up to stand.

"This has to stop, Lucan." She whispered, her eyes wet. "This war has to end. I don't want any more needless deaths on my conscience."

"Her name will be remembered, Perci." He promised. "History will remember every demon's sacrifice."

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