Chapter 41

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The first rays of dawn peaked over the silhouette of the buildings beyond and illuminated the legion who stood in their thousands in the warehouse district of the city's outskirts. Many crouched on the rooftops or hovered in flight, but all were completely silent. They'd chosen the largest human city to Undercity that they knew had a heavy seraph population instead of risking catastrophic damage to their own territory.

Perci and Lucan stood at the front of the legion, both covered in a mix of reinforced kevlar armour and more traditional metal plating. Lucan was in full demon form and had completely let go of the reigns he usually held over his power. It was like a magnetic pulsing that equally pushed and pulled. Perci herself had done the same, but her power was negligible in comparison.

Mixed inside the legion so they wouldn't be targeted by Michael immediately were Valefar and Zagan. Lillith had been selected to stay behind in Undercity to protect their home and Perci had to hand it to the Umbter female for throwing such a monumental hissy fit at Lucan when she found out. As for her personal protection, Kronan and his squad stood directly behind them, ready for her to disappear to the back of the fight.

A sudden murmur spread throughout their people as the sight of angels rising from the tallest buildings filled the sky. Then as if the floodgates had opened, knights began to emerge from the city and inch to the edges of the dilapidated district they sat in. A wide open motorway ring-road separated them and the seraph halted at the metal barrier.

They'd made sure to clear the area of possible human casualties as they silently infiltrated the city during the night, but it wouldn't have been possible to clear the whole city. Though Lucan and Abaddon had been accepting of the human losses that would inevitably come from the war, Perci had other opinions.

Lucan looked down at his mate and saved every inch of her red-hued body to his memory. There was a very real chance that he wouldn't survive the coming battle and he wanted the beautiful sight of her to be seared into his brain. Uncaring of the audience of demons and seraph alike, he bent his head to kiss her thoroughly. Only when he'd reduced his mate to a heavily breathing mess did he pull away and turn to address the legion. Perci, after finding her equilibrium, entwined her hand with his to show a united front.

"This war is one that has been fought for longer than most of you have been alive." Lucan projected his voice with his power so every demon could hear. "It's not a war we started, but it is one we will finish."

"And when we win this war, you will know that we did it for our family. For our friends. For Undercity. And for Gehenna!" Perci continued. The roar of the legion could be heard for miles as they threw their support behind their monarchs. Once it had quietened once more, Lucan spoke again.

"Listen to the words of your Queen and remember that you do not fight for us. You fight for a life of free will and a life free from the fear of a misguided Archangel!" Lucan turned to face the seraph with his last words. Many were snarling from his words against their leader, but the rage would only work in his favour. Lucan looked to his Queen.

"I fight for you, my love." He said just loud enough for her to hear.

"Come back to me, Lucan." She demanded with tears in her eyes.

He didn't dare give her a vow that he would in fact return to her, because they both knew that if he made one single mistake Michael would end him. Instead, Lucan bent to kiss her forehead and then to the surprise of his legion knelt to kiss her stomach where his child was barely formed. When he stood once more, his mate had donned a steely expression.

"Go." He said firmly.

Kronan stepped forward and helped Perci down from the raised platform of one of the roofs of the warehouses they stood on. She held on to her soulmate's hand for a moment and then turned away to hurry down the gentle slope of the roof and jump to the ground. Slade and the rest of her legion stood in a cluster around her and once Kronan joined, he quickly took the lead. He carved a path through the crowds of legion and just like they'd directed, the legion in front and behind released smoke grenades to cover her retreat. Any angels spying from above to ascertain her whereabouts would now be sorely disappointed.

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